During the Dot Coom Boom, the Dow Jones Industrial Average peaked at
11,723 on January 14, 2000.
At the low of the bust on October 9, 2002, the Dow Jones was at 7286.
Thus, the Dow fell 4437 points (or 37.8%) from the peak of the boom to
the bottom of the bust.
Chart of the Dow Jones Industrial Average since 1974, hosted by the-privateer.com
Note, though, that the Dot Com companies were not components of the
Dow Jones average. Instead, the Dot Com companies were (and are)
generally part of the tech-heavy NASDAQ index.
During the boom, the NASDAQ peaked at 5132 on March 9, 2000. At the
low of the bust on October 9, 2002, the NASDAQ was at 1114, down 4018
points (or 78.3%) from the high.
source: Demontigny Devlin Investment Newsletter:
search terms:
"dow peaked" january 2000, bust, down,
I hope this helps. |