Dear Gorgon,
There are several occasions in which your browser could show you what
web sites you already visited.
You are probably using Internet Explorer on Windows. You could remove
this function, called "Auto Complete", like that:
(1) Go to Start ---> "Settings" ----> Control Panel (or: click on
"Tools" on the top of your browser)
(2) Choose Internet Options
(3) Choose "Content", in the folders beginning with "General" and
ending with "Advanced" (with
Security-privacy-content-connections-programmes in the middle).
(4) Click on "Auto Complete" and remove approvals next to "forms".
(5) Click OK, then "Apply"/OK.
[Note: If your computer is not in English, the names might change, but
not the way to remove Auto Complete].
In addition, you could also delete your history, that is - the sites
that you've visited in the past, by doing another process:
(1) Repeat stages 1-2 in the first instructions.
(2) Choose the folder "General"
(3) Click on "delete cookies" (if you haven't done it for a while, it
might take some time)
(4) Click on "delete files" and approve deletion also of off-line content.
(5) Click on "clear history" - you could decide how many days you
would like your computer to keep history in the first place.
Marcy Zitz from provides here more information on the "Auto
Complete" feature and how to disable it:
I hope this answered your question.
In order to find an answer I just used this trick myself (on my
computer). If you need any further clarification on this answer, be
sure to let me know. I'd be pleased to clarify my answer before you
rate/tip it. |