Hello Akane,
There are a few ways to answer this so I'll walk through more than one
and provide pointers for more information. I assume you have root
access - if not, you are going to have serious problems with these
instructions (as well as running the application).
[1] Use the installation CD's and install from there. I can't tell
(since I don't have a set of those CD's) which CD has ethereal on it,
but you can do something like...
a. Mount the CD
b. find /cdrom -name "ethereal*" -print
(replace /cdrom with the mount point if you mount the cd in some other location)
the b step will either locate the RPM or if no files are found, will
print nothing, try another CD until you find a file like
c. rpm -i /cdrom/.../ethereal-0.9.13-4.i386.rpm
where you replace the .../ethereal-0.9.13-4.i386.rpm with the location
of the RPM. At this point, you may get some errors (if dependencies
are not satisified). If that is the case, repeat a-c on those other
packages as well.
[2] Download the source RPM from Red Hat. Check out
and search down for ethereal. The version I found was at
After downloading you can then use
rpmbuild ethereal-0.9.13-4.src.rpm
as a suitably privileged user (able to write to /usr/src/redhat and
sub directories) and then use
rpm -i /usr/src/redhat/RPMS/i386/ethereal-0.9.13-4.i386.rpm
to install the package.
If your platform is not Intel, replace i386 with the appropriate
platform name in all the above commands.
For additional information, you can check out...
The top level directory for the source to Red Hat enterprise versions.
An "Ask Shadowman" that describes the enterprise versions and notes
you can "build it yourself" from source (they don't make the CD's
freely available for download).
You can also search using phrases such as
redhat advanced server source code
red hat advanced server source code
and similar phrases.
Let me know if you need further help on this topic through a
clarification request if needed.
--Maniac |
Clarification of Answer by
25 Nov 2003 18:08 PST
Hello Akane,
I am not sure of your background (new Linux user, system
administrator, or other user). If you provide some background
information, I can certainly make the answer more specific.
I'll assume a new Linux user for now. I'll also assume you are using a
graphical display so please login as the root user and use konsole or
the Gnome terminal application to bring up a terminal window.
At the prompt, enter [followed by the enter key]
man rpmbuild
which should provide an explanation of the rpmbuild command. From
this documentation of rpmbuild should be installed as part of
installing rpm itself. Use the space bar to page through the
documentation as needed.
To find where rpmbuild is installed, you can use
which rpmbuild
whereis rpmbuild
either of which should list the location of rpmbuild command.
A more brute force approach is to use:
rpm -a --list | grep rpmbuild
which should list all of the installed files and then display only the
lines matching "rpmbuild".
At this point, from the same console or terminal window, you should be
able to use the commands described in [2] where you replace "rpmbuild"
with the location of the rpmbuild command.
If this is still unclear or one or more of these steps don't work,
please use a clarification request.