Hello Thehans,
Yes, really, I believe you. There does indeed seem to be a chemical
process for reviving dead batteries. However, it appears to be a
remedy only for batteries that have become ?sulfated,? but not for
those that have ?shorted out.? Here's a site that explains this
difference, and also gives a method for determining whether a
particular battery has shorted out and is useless, or is only sulfated
and thus restorable by this chemical method: http://homepage.ntlworld.
This site describes sulfation as ?a slow ageing process. The battery
plates are made porous to allow large current for starting the engine.
The sulfate formation not only takes place on the surface of the plate,
but also within the porous cavities which makes the plate solid. Also
as the sulfate crystals grow, they exert pressure from within the
plate, which causes plate material to break off. It is called shedding
which ruins the battery plates. The sediments at the bottom of the
battery can short the cells.? http://www.lifelongbattery.com/faq.
So then, any process to revive a dead battery must involve undoing
this sulfate formation so the battery can again hold a charge. A
gentleman from South Texas by the name of Alton O. Moore III has
posted some very clear instructions on exactly how to perform this
procedure. You?ll need to scroll about a third of the way down the
page to the section entitled: ?Reviving Batteries.? The instructions
begin in paragraph four, but before that he gives this caution: ?If
the plates look black, crumbly, and ugly, then the desulfating isn't
going to work very well, but if there's an obvious layer of white
sulfate on the plates, you'll probably have good luck.? See the full
text here:
Here is another source, an article from Home Power Magazine, that
gives some very technical information about an experiment to discover
whether this process actually works (it does, they say):
(Note that you will need Adobe Acrobat Reader to read this document.
If you don?t already have it, you can get it here:
http://www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html )
Following is some additional information about the recommended
chemical, i.e. Tetrasodium EDTA, as well as a few other sources for
purchasing it, in case you have any trouble with the link included in
Moore's article:
This site gives some alternate names for this chemical:
Here is a material safety data sheet, and another page with technical
information (Note that in Australia at least, this substance is
officially classed as an ?Irritant? and as ?Hazardous, although it
actually is benign enough to be used as a food preservative) :
Here are some sellers (this chemical appears to be used for a wide
variety of purposes, including as an ingredient in soap, cosmetics,
and a bad breath remedy!). Na4 EDTA (Tetrasodium EDTA) comes in both
powder and liquid forms, but the instructions and accounts given above
used the powder form of the chemical.
http://www.webspawner.com/users/trailheadsupply/ (US)
http://www.biocompare.com/itemdetails.asp?List=3067,34709 (US ? larger
http://www.wellnaturally.ca/ingredients/tetraedtapwdr.html (Canada)
Product_Code=IW120B (Canada)
I feel certain this is the information you were looking for. However,
if not, or you have any further questions or something isn?t clear,
please do use the ?Request Clarification? feature to ask, so I can be
sure you?re satisfied with the information provided. Thank you for
the opportunity to work on this very interesting and potentially
useful question.
Best regards,
Search terms used:
"how to" revive dead sulfated car battery
?how to? revive dead battery car OR automotive OR lead-acid
method revive dead car battery
tetrasodium EDTA buy OR order
?how to tell? dead car battery short OR sulfated
car battery ?how to tell? ?shorted cell? OR ?shorted out? |