in the 60's, there was an invite only, high school arts program for
kids in the los angeles school district. i believe it was LA proper,
but i am not sure. the kids were submitted by their art teachers,
culled from different high schools, and were the best in their class.
they got together during the summer at a chosen high school with a
chosen teacher. i do not know if the high school or teacher were
permanent. i do not know how "official" this program was,,,maybe it
was a private one, but i think it was not.
i am looking for the roster of high schoolers from summer '66, held at
manual arts high school. that roster included "jesus cortez", i
in previous years, there were "angel gomez" and "mike bracken", i
believe. again i am not sure. however, i am only looking for '66 or
the year that included jesus cortez. |