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Share Prices: Sound Diffusion PLC 1986-1987 (London)
Category: Miscellaneous Asked by: probonopublico-ga List Price: $10.00 |
25 Nov 2003 12:10 PST
Expires: 25 Dec 2003 12:10 PST Question ID: 280545 |
I'd like to find the share prices for each day within the above periods, preferably on-line but otherwise wherever (within reason). Any ideas? |
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Re: Share Prices: Sound Diffusion PLC 1986-1987 (London)
Answered By: leli-ga on 26 Nov 2003 05:18 PST Rated: ![]() |
Thank-you very much! I guessed you would be well-equipped with library tickets, but didn't like to assume that this answer would do the trick. Hope Sussex will have "FT Prices" and save you a trip to St. Pancras. Here's a copy of most of my comment: Your best bet would be a library with a CD-Rom called "FT Prices" covering all UK share prices from 1983-1996, or 1999 with updates. Many university libraries have it, but I couldn't find the relevant part of the library catalogue at the University of Sussex without a password. They do say "Non-members of the University may apply for a reader's ticket." If you have access to the British Library, you can use the CD-Rom there: http://www.bl.uk/collections/wider/eresources/title/eresourcesf.html (Note: the "FT Prices" CD-Rom is not the same as the "Financial Times" CD-Rom, which is just articles from the paper minus share prices.) I looked for confirmation that the CD-Rom gives daily prices: "FT PRICES ON CD-ROM (1983-1996) Produced by Financial Times, this CDROM provides daily, weekly and monthly time series on : 9 metals and 32 oils or 'soft' commodity prices; UK closing rates of 150 currencies; equities of British/European companies from 22 countries; all UK indices plus 839 indices and ratios from around the globe; London Interbank Offered Rate and deposit rates for various currencies; bid prices of UK managed funds; and bond prices. " http://www.ntu.edu.sg/lib/pub/v6n3/ftit1.html "This provides detailed share prices for UK companies over a number of years up to December 1998." http://www.kingston.ac.uk/library/businessnet.html " This CD-ROM enables you to search and display prices and values comparable to the back pages of the Financial Times, with the addition of European equities." http://www.swan.ac.uk/lis/subject_services/fulllisting.asp?letter=f Let me know if anything needs clarification, or if these sources let you down. Good luck with the research! Best wishes - Leli My search strategy was to start looking for FT material on CD-Rom. I soon found the "FT prices" here: http://www.edinburgh.gov.uk/libraries/refcdroms/refcds.html This page suggested to me that there was unlikely to be another good source of information for you: http://libopac.solent.ac.uk/is/faq/faq.asp?41 Also searches: "FT prices" CD-Rom "FT prices" library "share prices" CD-Rom (UK only) |
rated this answer:![]() Hi, Leli Great .... And now for a bonus, please tell me where my reader's ticket is for the Sussex Uni ... Kindest regards Bryan |
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Re: Share Prices: Sound Diffusion PLC 1986-1987 (London)
From: leli-ga on 26 Nov 2003 01:02 PST |
Hi Bryan I doubt these are available online, so here are some suggestions for "wherever". Your best bet would be a library with a CD-Rom called "FT Prices" covering all UK share prices from 1983-1996, or 1999 with updates. Many university libraries have it, but I couldn't find the relevant part of the library catalogue at the University of Sussex without a password. They do say "Non-members of the University may apply for a reader's ticket." If you have access to the British Library, you can use the CD-Rom there: http://www.bl.uk/collections/wider/eresources/title/eresourcesf.html (Note: the "FT Prices" CD-Rom is not the same as the "Financial Times" CD-Rom, which is just articles from the paper minus share prices.) There is one public library, unfortunately for you in Edinburgh, which has "FT Prices", but I couldn't find another in the whole of the UK. Maybe some phone calls would bring results? An inferior alternative would be slowly searching through the FT on microfilm. The Southampton City Library may have this for the right years; their holdings go "back to the 1980s". http://libopac.solent.ac.uk/is/faq/faq.asp?41 More public libraries have past decades of "The Times" on microfilm than the FT. I wonder if you'd find Sound Diffusion shares in their listings? I looked for confirmation that the CD-Rom gives daily prices: "FT PRICES ON CD-ROM (1983-1996) Produced by Financial Times, this CDROM provides daily, weekly and monthly time series on : 9 metals and 32 oils or 'soft' commodity prices; UK closing rates of 150 currencies; equities of British/European companies from 22 countries; all UK indices plus 839 indices and ratios from around the globe; London Interbank Offered Rate and deposit rates for various currencies; bid prices of UK managed funds; and bond prices. " http://www.ntu.edu.sg/lib/pub/v6n3/ftit1.html "This provides detailed share prices for UK companies over a number of years up to December 1998." http://www.kingston.ac.uk/library/businessnet.html " This CD-ROM enables you to search and display prices and values comparable to the back pages of the Financial Times, with the addition of European equities." http://www.swan.ac.uk/lis/subject_services/fulllisting.asp?letter=f Hope this gives you a start. Let me know if I can do anything more to track down a helpful library. Best wishes - Leli |
Re: Share Prices: Sound Diffusion PLC 1986-1987 (London)
From: probonopublico-ga on 26 Nov 2003 04:30 PST |
Hi, Leli Brilliant! I have reader's tickets for both the University of Sussex & the British Library. (I went past the Sussex Uni twice this morning ... I could have stopped by ...) Please post your comment as an answer. Many thanks Bryan |
Re: Share Prices: Sound Diffusion PLC 1986-1987 (London)
From: politicalguru-ga on 26 Nov 2003 07:04 PST |
Bryan Good to see you. You haven't been here for a while, have you? |
Re: Share Prices: Sound Diffusion PLC 1986-1987 (London)
From: probonopublico-ga on 26 Nov 2003 07:26 PST |
Hi, PG Good to hear from you, too, but shouldn't you be looking for Victor Grayson? I've been busy searching caves, sewers and hippie camp sites. He's got to be somewhere. Kindest regards Bryan |
Re: Share Prices: Sound Diffusion PLC 1986-1987 (London)
From: leli-ga on 26 Nov 2003 09:37 PST |
Bryan - thank-you for the generous tip - I'm so glad I could help. It's always a pleasure to work on one of your questions. But . . . I'm afraid I'm not the right person to help you find your library ticket - first I'd have to find my glasses. Hope it turns up soon - Leli |
Re: Share Prices: Sound Diffusion PLC 1986-1987 (London)
From: probonopublico-ga on 30 Nov 2003 09:57 PST |
Well, I got the info I was seeking ... from the FT on microfilm at Brighton Library. Sussex Uni no longer has the CD. |
Re: Share Prices: Sound Diffusion PLC 1986-1987 (London)
From: leli-ga on 01 Dec 2003 01:29 PST |
Glad you got the info and really pleased to get an update from you; I love feedback on how the research progresses *after* the original question is answered. I hope the microfilm browsing wasn't too laborious - at least you didn't have to travel far. Good luck with your researches - Leli |
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