Hi spa1!
Here are the results of my research for the best places for
comprehensive health physicals.
Cleveland Clinic
The Cleveland Clinic has one of the largest and most experienced
executive health management programs in the United States.
Tests include:
Comprehensive screening tests to detect anemia, diabetes, liver
disease, kidney disorders or atherosclerosis (heart disease or
Cardiac stress test (coronary artery disease, hypertension)
Visual acuity test and tonometry (glaucoma)
Audiogram (hearing)
Chest X-ray (lung cancer and disease)
Spirometry (emphysema, bronchitis, asthma and other airway problems)
Colonoscopy (colon cancer and polyps of the colon and rectum)
Bone mineral densitometry (osteoporosis)
Pap smear for women (cervical cancer)
Mammogram for women (breast cancer)
Prostate-specific antigen for men (prostate cancer)
Nutritional counseling, body fat percentage, and diet and nutritional
supplement advice
Exercise counseling and advice
You can also choose to include these additional options, according to
your preferences and health risks:
Total body CT scan
Carotid artery ultrasound for risk of stroke
Cosmetic surgery consultation
Dental and oral examination
Eye exam by ophthalmologist
Travel immunizations and health regulation information
Dermatology consultation
Appointment Line
To schedule an appointment, call 800/223-2273, ext. 45707, or 216/444-5707.
Premier Health Profile:
?Our Premier Health Profile is the ultimate three-day program,
unmatched in scope and detail. This profile is tailored exclusively
for the individual seeking the most current, thorough and
comprehensive assessment of his or her health possible.?
?During your three-day stay, you will enjoy personal attention and
luxurious suite accommodations on the exclusive Club Floor of the new
InterContinental Hotel on The Cleveland Clinic main campus.?
More information on the Premier Health Profile, call 800/223-2273,
ext. 43480, or 216/444-3480.
How much does an executive physical cost?
?Costs depend on which screening tests are needed, as well as which
program you choose. Discounts are available to companies based on the
number of executives who participate in the program. Total cost varies
from about $1,600 to $3,200 for the standard program, and $8,000 to
$10,000 for the three-day Premier Health Profile.
The Cleveland Clinic Foundation
9500 Euclid Avenue, Cleveland; 800-223-2273 or 216-444-5707;
Fax 216-445-6494;
Mayo Clinic
?Mayo's Executive Health Program combines medical expertise and
efficiency to meet the needs of a busy executive. The program offers
you a comprehensive examination, with access to the full resources of
Mayo's medical, surgical, and laboratory facilities in a convenient
one- to two-day period. We can provide you with primary, specialty,
and subspecialty medical consultations in a package tailored to your
unique medical needs.?
Streamlined Agenda: http://www.mayoclinic.org/executivehealth-rst/agenda.html
Screening Tests: http://www.mayoclinic.org/executivehealth-rst/tests.html
?Mayo schedules Executive Health Program appointments approximately 8
to 12 weeks in advance, though we may be busier at certain times of
the year. Appointments can be scheduled up to one year in advance.?
?We mail medical questionnaires in advance of your visit for you to
complete and return. This allows us to prepare a schedule of tests
before you arrive.?
For more information about the Mayo Executive Health Program: (507) 284-2288
E-mail: ExecutiveHealth@mayo.edu
Fax: (507) 284-0909
Or, write to:
Mayo Executive Health Program
Mayo Clinic
Rochester, MN 55905
Office hours are 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Central time, Monday through Friday.
Mayo Executive Health Program, Mayo Clinic
200 First Street, Sw, Rochester, Minnesota; 507-284-2288;
Fax 507-284-0909;
4500 San Pablo Road, Jacksonville, Florida; 800-851-9022 or
904-953-7392; Fax 904-953-2732
13400 East Shea Boulevard, Scottsdale, Arizona; 480-301-8088;
FAX 480-301-7569
Johns Hopkins
John Hopkins Executive Health Program
Standard Visit http://deptmed.med.som.jhmi.edu/eh/personalized.html#standard
Optional Services http://deptmed.med.som.jhmi.edu/eh/personalized.html#options
Payment Information http://deptmed.med.som.jhmi.edu/eh/payment.html
Schedule an Appointment
Call the Johns Hopkins Executive Health Program Monday through Friday
between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 5:00 pm, Eastern Time.
Local: (410) 955-9819
Toll Free: (888)544-1340
By E-Mail at: jhehp@jhmi.edu
Johns Hopkins Executive Health
601 N. Caroline Street, Suite 7165
Baltimore MD 21287
Cooper Wellness Program
Cooper Clinic at the Cooper Aerobics Center in Dallas
Comprehensive $2,400+
?Head-to-toe Comprehensive Preventive Medicine Physical. Exam results
are learned within hours during a consultation with the doctor. Later
each person receives a detailed written report with findings and
recommendations. The exam includes: medical history, complete
physical, comprehensive blood work, urinalysis, EKG, treadmill stress
test, blood pressure, chest X-ray, pulmonary function test, underwater
weighing, proctosigmoidoscopy, hearing / vision test, psychological
test, nutrition assessment, and physician consultation.?
Cardiovascular Exam $555
Coronary Risk Profile $849
?Treadmill stress test with resting EKG; blood screening; body
composition testing (underwater weighing); coronary risk score; brief
consultation with doctor.?
Electron Beam Tomography Scan $660
?Detects calcification in arteries; searches for coronary heart
disease; and scans chest and upper abdomen for suspicious masses.?
Please call with any questions or concerns. 800-444-5192.
Call Cooper Wellness Program at 972-386-4777 or 800-444-5192 for more information.
Mailing Address
Cooper Wellness Program
12230 Preston Road
Dallas, Texas 75230
Menlo Medical Clinic
Menlo Medical Clinic Executive Health Program is affiliated with
Stanford University Medical Center
The program
"The Executive Health Program at the Menlo Medical Clinic is a
comprehensive health evaluation program, set in a relaxed and
comfortable environment and geared primarily toward busy executives
and professionals. Individuals are welcome to participate on a
fee-for-service basis."
Mailing Address:
Executive Health Program
Third Floor
1300 Crane Street
Menlo Park, CA 94025-4283
If you are interested in learning more about the Executive Health
Program, contact thr Executive Health Program staff by telephone at
(650) 724-8000 or by email to anita@execmd.com
?Sentara Medical Group is pleased to offer you a medical evaluation
that provides the state-of-the- art in preventive medical care. It is
called the Executive Evaluation Center, and it offers much more than
just an annual assessment of your health. It is a comprehensive,
one-day medical evaluation that includes a complete history and
physical examination, more than a dozen diagnostic studies and
exercise and nutritional counseling, culminating in an in-depth
personal assessment of your medical status by an experienced team of
Hampton Roads physicians.?
Official web site for the Executive Evaluation Center
Call (757) 668-1870 to learn how to schedule your evaluation.
Review the Exam
Review the video
Contact the center
Other Centers:
Scripps Center For Executive Health
Scripps Memorial Hospital La Jolla
9850 Genesee Avenue, Suite 520, La Jolla, California;
800-345-1130 or 858-626-4460; Fax 858-626-4465;
The Greenbrier Clinic, The Greenbrier
320 West Main Street,
White Sulphur Springs,
West Virginia;
800-362-7798 (For Appointments Only);
Fax 304-536-1664
Additional information that may interest you
Here are a few brief excerpts from a New York Times article titled
?The Standard Checkup? Well, Not Exactly? by David Tuller.
?Known as executive physicals, these services combine personal
attention with the latest medical technology. The examinations
generally include blood tests, ultrasound studies, EKG's, stress
exams, sigmoidoscopies, bone density evaluations, full-body CAT scans,
body composition analysis, hearing and vision tests and mammograms and
Pap smears for women. Patients often meet with a cardiologist,
gastroenterologist, audiologist, endocrinologist, neurologist,
orthopedist, dermatologist, psychiatrist, nutritionist and any other
specialist deemed appropriate. At the end, there is advice on stress
management, exercise and changes that can reduce risk factors.?
?The Cooper Clinic is one of a handful of medical institutions that
have served the well-heeled for years. Others include the Cleveland
Clinic in Ohio, the medical center at Johns Hopkins University in
Baltimore and, of course, the world-famous Mayo Clinic in Rochester,
Minn, whose patients have included King Hussein, Ronald Reagan,
Muhammad Ali and the Rev. Billy Graham.?
?Sentara in Norfolk, which advertises in publications like Millionaire
and The Robb Report, started its executive program in 1997, and now
conducts about 600 examinations a year. At Stanford University, the
Menlo Medical Clinic created a similar division two years ago.?
Here is another interesting article that discusses the best places for
comprehensive annual checkups.
Search criteria:
Mayo Clinic
John Hopkins
Cooper Clinic
Cleveland Clinic
High end physical examinations
"Executive physicals?
Annual checkups
Health Programs
I hope you find this helpful! If anything is unclear with my answer,
please ask for clarification.
Best Regards,
Bobbie7 |