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Q: Autographed Sports Illustrated Project ( No Answer,   5 Comments )
Subject: Autographed Sports Illustrated Project
Category: Sports and Recreation
Asked by: flash-ga
List Price: $200.00
Posted: 02 Dec 2003 14:14 PST
Expires: 01 Jan 2004 14:14 PST
Question ID: 282765
Working on a project to locate the signature of every person to ever
grace the cover of Sports Illustrated since its inception in 1954-
After many years of intense investigative work we are now approaching
autographs on 95% of the aforementioned SI covers- One of the few
autographs we are missing is for the 12/15/1957 edition which features
"The New American Look In Ski Clothes"- The model featured on this
cover was Amy Beard, a young women,age 22-25, from the Portland Oregon
area- Ms. Baird at the time worked as a waitress in the Timberline
Lodge in Oregon- We have no further information and have been unable
to locate Ms Baird- Can anyone help us locate Amy Baird so that we can
complete this SI autographed cover project???

Request for Question Clarification by rainbow-ga on 02 Dec 2003 15:48 PST
Hi flash,

During my search for Amy Baird, I have located someone who collects
autographed publications of many magazines including Sports
Illustrated. I have sent him a message inquiring if he has this
specific issue and if the autograph is Amy Baird's. If the feedback I
receive is positive, would you be interested in obtaining the
Please let me know your thoughts on this. Thanks.


Clarification of Question by flash-ga on 03 Dec 2003 02:40 PST
Dear Rainbow- Happy Wednesday morning- Thank you for your expeditious
reply to our question- We are without question interested in obtaining
Amy Baird's signature from another collector, the only caveat being
that it must be on the SI cover that featured her in 1957-Anxiously
looking forward to hearing from you- Best wishes- Flash

Request for Question Clarification by rainbow-ga on 03 Dec 2003 14:37 PST
Hi flash,

Unfortunately I have some bad news. The contact I mentioned responded
saying he had sold this copy already. I have searched for other
collectors, but it appears that no one has this issue autographed.
However, I'll keep looking and let you know if I find anything.

Incidentally, searching for Amy Baird led to nowhere. The problem with
searching for women is the name changing after marriage.

Best regards,

Clarification of Question by flash-ga on 03 Dec 2003 15:35 PST
Dear Rainbow- Happy Wednesday evening- Thanks for the follow up- If
your contact can locate his buyer of this SI cover I am prepared to
pay a bit of a premium {in cash or trade}for this edition- In addition
I think the trick to tracking down Amy is to somehow locate her social
security number- Appreciate your efforts and hope to hear from you
again in the very near future- Enjoy your evening- Warmest

Clarification of Question by flash-ga on 10 Dec 2003 05:31 PST
Dear Rainbow- Happy Wednesday morning- Hope all is well- Please note
that we have raised the ante here with the hopes that this will
stimulate some further interest among you and the other researchers-
In addition my partner in crime has suggested that you contact your
original lead to see if he could direct us in any way to Amy- Needless
to say we are very motivated collectors and will gladly add on a nice
tip if you can assist us in our journey- Hope to hear from you
shortly- Thanks for yuor help- Warmest regards- Flash

Request for Question Clarification by rainbow-ga on 10 Dec 2003 06:29 PST
Hi flash,

I contacted my original source again. Hopefully, he'll be able to help
us. Either way, I'll let you know when I hear back from him.

Meanwhile, I'll keep searching and let you know of any progress.

Best wishes,

Request for Question Clarification by rainbow-ga on 10 Dec 2003 06:34 PST
My colleague knowledge_seeker is perfectly correct regarding giving
out private information about individuals.
So to avoid any misunderstanding, when I said I'll keep searching, I
mean I'll keep looking for autographed issues someone may have.

Clarification of Question by flash-ga on 10 Dec 2003 07:20 PST
Dear Rainbow & Knowledge Seeker- Thank you both for your expeditious
responses and input- We certainly don't want to circumvent the spirit
of Google Answers, but hope that through your ingenuity and
perseverance you can lead us to the promise land- Will anxiously await
any direction you can give us- Thanks for your assistance- Warmest
regards- Flash

Request for Question Clarification by rainbow-ga on 13 Dec 2003 01:46 PST
Hi flash,

The following is the reply  I received  from my original contact:

"I wrote the book "The collectors Guide to Sports Illustrated and
Sports Publications (Beckett)"  for which I tried to document every
person on the cover as well.
The person to contact would be Scott Smith who has obtained thousands
of autographs. These person may already know him (he appeared is
Sports Illustrated 50th anniversary issue).
I don't have that particular issue but he would be the person. He also
calls himself the SI King.
I don't remember ever having her signature I thought you were
referring to another person."

I've searched for information on Scott Smith but cannot find any
available contact information. I think he would be the best person to
contact regarding this issue.

I hope this helps you a little. Best of luck and Happy Holidays.


Clarification of Question by flash-ga on 13 Dec 2003 14:52 PST
Rainbow- Happy Saturday evening- Hope all is well- I have already been
in touch with Scott Smith- Yes he is the SI King, but unfortunately
even the King has no idea how to contact Amy Baird- Please move
forward with any other sources you may have in this search- Needless
to say we certainly appreciate all your imput- Best wishes- Flash
There is no answer at this time.

Subject: Re: Autographed Sports Illustrated Project
From: knowledge_seeker-ga on 10 Dec 2003 06:23 PST
Good Morning Flash,

Not to rain on your parade here, but unfortunately Google Answers
Researchers are not permitted to provide you with private information
about individuals. If the lovely Amy has retreated from public life,
even if we were to track her down, we'd not be allowed to contact her
at home or publish her contact information here.

However, on the off chance that she is still a public figure, we would
be allowed to give you her "official" contact information or that of
her agent or office.

I'm not trying to be negative, but I do want you to understand our
limitations before we go too far. There is a delicate balance we must
maintain between helping enthusiastic customers such as yourself, and
protecting the privacy of private individuals. Thanks for your

Subject: Re: Autographed Sports Illustrated Project
From: bucsfan-ga on 25 Jan 2005 17:21 PST
Just wondered how the project was going, I am trying to do the same,
did you ever locate the mysterious Amy?
Subject: Re: Autographed Sports Illustrated Project
From: flash-ga on 26 Jan 2005 03:28 PST
Bucsfan-ga- Happy Wednesday morning- If you touch base with Scott
Smith I think he may be able to help you locate the mysterious Amy!!!-
Best of luck- Flash.
Subject: Re: Autographed Sports Illustrated Project
From: bucsfan-ga on 01 Feb 2005 19:54 PST
I am working on the same project, I am trying to locate a few people
myself and would be happy to pass on any information I have obtained. 
The SI King likes to keep his Info to himself (I don't blame him) and
the Amy Baird autograph is one that he is keeping for himself.
Subject: Re: Autographed Sports Illustrated Project
From: flash-ga on 02 Feb 2005 03:38 PST
Bucsfan- Happy wednesday morning- Wish I could help you locate the
mysterious Amy- But alas I have no pertinent information that will
assist you- Best of luck in your journey- Flash.

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