I wasn't able to find what you need but this may be a start...
Geodemographic Database Research
This study has a very nice table that breaks demographic groups into
upscale, midscale and modest means. It is geographically limited and
focused on art marketing, but it's a piece of the puzzle.
http://www.marketresearch.com/map/prod/112867.html may be your answer,
but they only provide their report for a fee.
REPORT: The U.S. Infant, Toddler, and Preschool Market
PUBLISHED BY: Packaged Facts
LENGTH: 470 Pages
About this report:
This all-new report analyzes the $20-billion infant, toddler and
preschool market. It provides comprehensive coverage of four product
categories: clothing (apparel and footwear), baby care supplies
(diapers, skincare and toiletries, and baby feeding accessories),
juvenile furniture and nursery accessories, and toys. Included are
data on market size and growth (retail sales estimates for the
1995-1999 period and forecasts through 2005) and con-sumer
demographics. Assessment of the competitive situation includes
profiles of major marketers and retailers.
search terms: consumer infant products study defined upscale
Maybe another researcher will have more luck with this topic.
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