Unique features: minaret, dome, row of arches, open interior,
distinctive combination.
Minaret: where the muezzin sounded the call for Prayer. signifies
da'wah or invitation to the faith
Dome: traditionally used as the most efficient way of roofing over an
open space, they also signify majesty, unity of God, circular nature
of life, and a direction upwards.
Arches: the exterior row or arches resemble mihrabs - the imam's place
inside the mosque. Signify an invitation to seclusion and worship.
Open Interior: Muslims pray in arrow-straight rows,
shoulder-to-shoulder, on a carpeted or matted floor. Any obstruction
in the interior is an impediment to that fraternal and simple
Distinct combination: Each mosque combines some or all of these
features to present a pleasing and unique look to the eye. |