Hello holstein,
Thank you for your question.
I think the following company should fill your needs for laptop
protection and locking the computer so that it can not be opened:
You will note they are offered for specific models of laptop, for example:
Manufacturer Part No.: OSD60
MSRP: $59.95
Your Price: $39.95
Compatiblility: Latitude C600 and Inspiron 4000 Series
Components: 100% Stainless Steel Custom Dell Notebook Lock with 6'
security Cable (2) keys
Custom Dell Notebook Anti Theft Lock for Latitude C600 /Inspiron 4000.
Entire notebook can be locked with steel clamp on top and bottom for
maximum security or works as a conventional notebook lock. Protects
your data and Internal memory. Denies access to hard drive, keyboard
and screen. Special peripherals trap for monitor, mouse or speaker
They have versions for quite a few models of Dell laptops, Apples,
Compaq and Toshiba. Contact them if your model is not listed.
The best way to contact SecuComputer is by email. Here is a list of
email addresses to put you in touch with the right person.
Technical information: Info@SecuComputer.com
Sales information: Sales@SecuComputer.com
Contact us by Mail at:
SecuComputer, Inc.
PO Box 1342
New York, NY 10018-0728
345 Route 17 South
Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458
Contact us by Telephone at:
Telephone: 201-934-4248
Facsimile: 800-780-5753
And the following lock system does not seem to secure the lid so it
can not be opened, but was interesting and unique enough I thought I
would mention it:
Version N/A
Supplier Westfield Innovative Products
Price $59.95
Contact www.compuclamp.com
Search Strategy:
notebook OR laptop +lock +clamp OR cradle
I trust my research has provided you with clamps and lock systems that
will fill your need. If a link above should fail to work or anything
require further explanation or research, please do post a Request for
Clarification prior to rating the answer and closing the question and
I will be pleased to assist further.
-=clouseau=- |