<Daily Multivitamins.
The Food Standards Agency is an independent food safety watchdog set
up in the UK by an Act of Parliament in 2000 to protect the public's
health and consumer interests in relation to food.
They advise eating a healthy balanced diet which will supply all the
necessary nutrients. The use of supplements is recommended for some
people like pregnant women or those planning to become pregnant, older
people and children under five.
According to a report by the Food Standards Agency long term use of
vitamin B6, betacarotene, nicotinic acid (niacin), zinc, manganese and
phosphorus may cause irreversible health damage. Continuous high usage
of vitamin C, calcium and iron might have serious consequences.
Pregnant women are advised to avoid vitamin A supplements.
The full report.
The report was compiled by independent experts. Thirty four substances
were considered. The experts reviewed the available data on the safe
intake of vitamins and minerals from food and food supplements.
Advice from the Food and Drugs Administration (FDA).
Basic points to consider
Prevention of cancer or cardiovascular disease.
The U.S. Preventive Service Task Force has concluded that the evidence
is insufficient to recommend for or against the use of supplement for
the prevention of cancer or cardiovascular disease.
According to this report the health benefits of vitamin
supplementation remain uncertain, there is more consistent evidence
that a diet high in fruit, vegetables, and legumes has important
benefits; other constituents besides vitamins may account for the
benefits of such diets.
The American Academy of Family Physicians states, "The decision to
provide special dietary intervention or nutrient supplementation must
be on an individual basis using the family physician?s best judgment
based on evidence of benefit as well as lack of harmful effects.
Megadoses of certain vitamins and minerals have been proven to be
Australian government.
Their site gives a list of people who may benefit from vitamin
supplements. This includes:
Pregnant women
Women who are breastfeeding
People who drink alcohol above the daily recommended limit.
Cigarette smokers.
Illegal drug users.
Crash dieters or people on chronic low calorie diets.
The elderly.
People who live sedentary lifestyles.
Some vegetarians.
Women with excessive bleeding.
People with allergies to particular foods.
For taking vitamins.
According to a paper appearing in The Journal of the American Medical
Association, ?it appears prudent for all adults to take vitamin
Vitamins are vital.
Benefits of nutrition.
This report is from the Council for Responsible Nutrition ? please
note they are an industry organisation.
Against taking vitamins.
Vitamin pills a ?waste of money?.
An article that criticises the study.
Some vitamin supplements may be a waste of money.
Vitamins not so healthy.
According to James A. McHale D.C., each month in Tacoma Washington,
165 thousand pound of undigested vitamin and mineral pills are pulled
out of the sewers.
The dangers of health supplements ? these reports highlight the
dangers of some ?natural? products.
<Search strategy:>
<"food standards agency">
<pros cons "vitamin supplements">
<vitamins "waste of money">
<Hope this helps.> |