First of all, the German title is apparently "Die geistige Situation
der Zeit (1932)."
"... Jaspers... expressed in Die geistige Situation der Zeit 12 (The
Intellectual Spiritual Situation of our Time).
Die geistige Situation der Zeit (1932), a little volume that the
G^schen Verlag commissioned at a moment when Jaspers was about to
finish his three-volume work Philosophie, allowed Jaspers to "speak of
politics grounded upon the total moral-spiritual situation of [his]
source: icaap.org
"Die geistige Situation der Zeit" was published in English as "Man in
the Modern Age."
" Die geistige Situation der Zeit (1931; tr. Man in the Modern Age, 1933),"
There does not seem to be any online source of Jaspers' "Man in the
Modern Age" (in English, anyway).
However, you may obtain "Man in the Modern Age" from book dealers such
as those listed on Amazon.com beginning at just over $2:
"Man in the Modern Age" is also easily obtained at many libraries.
search strategy:
"karl jaspers", "of our times"
"karl jaspers", "of our time"
"karl jaspers", "geistige Situation der Zeit "
karl jaspers, "Man in the Modern Age"
I hope this helps. |