I believe you're looking for the Wisdom Fund (WSDVX):
"The Wisdom Fund seeks to emulate as closely as possible the
investment management policies of Berkshire Hathaway Holdings (BHH).
The Fund will seek to achieve this objective by investing as closely
as possible in the securities known to be owned by BHH. BHH generally
holds investments in common stocks of both publicly traded and
privately held companies. The Fund's holdings will be primarily
composed of both securities substantially identical to those publicly
traded securities owned by BHH, and securities which the advisor
believes possess similar characteristics to those of the privately
held companies owned by Berkshire Hathaway, to the extent those
by Berkshire Hathaway are publicly known. It is the intent of the Fund
to own each security in the same relative percentage as that security
represents in the total investment portfolio of BHH."
Wisdom Fund
"One mutual fund, The Wisdom Fund (WSDVX), mirrors Berkshire by buying
shares in every public company that Berkshire owns; it also gains
stakes in public companies that are most like the companies that
Berkshire has taken private."
MSN Money Central
Google Web Search: "wisdom fund" + "berkshire hathaway"
I am confident that this is the fund you're seeking. If it is not, or
if anything is unclear, please request clarification; I'll gladly
offer further assistance before you rate my answer.
Best regards,
pinkfreud |