Bush Senior denied it (calling the inquiries about adultery "The Big A
question"), but there was a persistent rumor that he'd had a sexual
relationship with his former appointments aide, Jennifer Fitzgerald,
and possibly other affairs as well:
"Reports of George Bush's liaisons have circulated among journalists
for more than a decade in the same way that reporters laughed about
President Kennedy's dalliances back in the '60s. The New York Times in
1981 published a rumor that Bush had been nicked by a bullet while
leaving the home of a mistress on Capitol Hill...
Many members of Bush's staff have said they believe he had a longtime
affair with his former appointments secretary, Jennifer Fitzgerald -
who has told many fellow workers about it - and another affair with
the widow of a former Midwestern congressman.
The campaign staffs of both Senate Minority Leader Robert Dole and
Rep. Jack Kemp pushed the 'Bush mistress' story in 1988 trying to head
off Bush's nomination. The late Republican National Committee Chairman
Lee Atwater boasted of defusing the widespread rumor by simply getting
George Bush Jr. quoted in Newsweek saying 'the answer to the Big A
question is NO.' This denial astonishingly was accepted by the
national news media as proof that there was no 'Big A question."
Treasure State Review: BILL CLINTON (and George Bush) / THE PRESS AND
"Soon after Dubyahs father, George Bush Sr., gave a speech to The
Knights of Columbus, during the campaign of 1992, he was asked by a
reporter from CNN about a rumor that he had had an affair with his
appointments aide, Jennifer Fitzgerald, seven years earlier, when he
was Vice President.
Then President Bush was visibly upset and denied the rumor. He claimed
to be 'outraged' and 'disappointed' by the 'sleazy question.' But he
also said he expected just such an inquiry into the rumor '...in this
kind of screwy climate that we're in.'
Later, Bush sidetracked an attempt by Stone Phillips of NBC when Stone
tried to bring up the subject of marital infidelity: Bush said, 'After
years in public service and a very happy marriage, I am hit by a wave
of questions like yours sitting here today. And I should think you'd
be a little ashamed of yourself because...it just drags down the
political process.'
The New York Post based its story on a book, 'The Powerhouse', which
revealed what had long been considered an open secret in Washington:
Bush's alleged sexual relationship with his appointments aide,
Jennifer Fitzgerald."
Religious Freedom Coalition of the Southeast: Who Are the Other Bush Men?
"Donna Brazile's 1988 demand that then-Vice President George Bush
'fess up' to having an affair went unreported by every network but FNC
after Al Gore on Wednesday named her his campaign manager. When she
made the allegation in October 1988 she was forced to resign from her
position as deputy manager of the Dukakis-Bentsen effort, the same
title she held with Gore until her elevation...
On the affair front, as recalled by New Hampshire?s Chip Griffin in
his daily Primary Scoop e-mail report (http://www.primaryscoop.com),
the Associated Press reported on October 20, 1988: 'I think George
Bush owes it to the American people to fess up' about whether he has
committed adultery, she told reporters. 'The American people have
every right to know if Barbara Bush will share that bed with him in
the White House.' Brazile continued: 'It's important. We're not just
voting for a man. We're voting for a family. The First Family is very
Media Research Center: Patients? Bill of Rights" Cheered; Brazile?s
Dirty Campaigning Ignored
"[Donna] Brazile first came under the glare of the national spotlight
during her stint as Deputy Field Director for the Dukakis-Bentsen
campaign in 1988. Traveling with the national press corps during a
short trip between New Haven, Connecticut and New York City, Brazile
tried to capitalize on rumors that then-Vice President GEORGE BUSH had
an affair with JENNIFER FITZGERALD, a former staffer."
PoliticsNY: Throop's Scoop
"The Wall Street Journal wrote that the Washington Post was preparing
a story that 'Bush had carried on an extramarital affair,' with a
'report that he [Bush] has had a mistress for several years.' One of
the allegations was that Bush had had an extramarital affair during
the mid-1970's with a woman who was no longer in his entourage.
Donna Brazile of the Dukakis campaign staff told reporters in New
Haven, Connecticut: 'I wasn't on the stock market yesterday but I
understood they got a little concerned that George was going to the
White House with somebody other than Barbara. I think George Bush owes
it to the American people to 'fess up... The American people have
every right to know if Barbara Bush will share that bed with him in
the White House. I'm talking about Barbara Bush and someone with the
initials J.F. or whatever the names are,' said Ms. Brazile."
Website of Webster G. Tarpley: Bush Takes The Presidency
Here's an interesting account of how the media handled the rumors of
Bush's alleged affair:
Columbia Journalism Review Campaign Issues / Jennifer
Google search strategy:
Google Web Search: "jennifer fitzgerald" + "bush" + "affair"
I hope this information is useful. If anything is unclear, or if a
link doesn't work for you, please request clarification; I'll be glad
to offer further assistance before you rate my answer.
Best regards,
pinkfreud |