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Where to practice shooting in Boulder County, Colorado?
Category: Sports and Recreation Asked by: jkominek-ga List Price: $90.00 |
10 Dec 2003 14:43 PST
Expires: 09 Jan 2004 14:43 PST Question ID: 285801 |
I'd like to practice with my pistol, and in the future, a rifle, somewhere in Boulder County, Colorado. The Boulder Rifle Club (http://www.boulderrifleclub.com/) owns the only ranges I'm aware of in the Boulder area, and since I'm not a member, I can't use them. And I don't want to drive down to Denver, or over into the middle of Weld county to go practice. I live on a chunk of land in an unincorporated part of the county, and if I'm reading the noise ordinances right (http://www.co.boulder.co.us/bocc/Ordinances/noise.htm), I can make whatever noise I want (even at night) so long as it isn't any louder than 45dB at a distance of 10 feet away from my property. I should be OK on that count, if I shoot in the middle of my (fairly large) property. But I'd rather not. People get worried when other people are shooting guns nearby, so I want somewhere where nobody is going to be disturbed. Public land is traditionally(?) one of the places where you can go to shoot, but http://www.co.boulder.co.us/openspace/recreating/public_parks/rules®s.htm seems to make it clear that you can't discharge firearms on open space. Is there any suitable land in Boulder County that *isn't* Open Space, which I could shoot on? Are there some good places in the Roosevelt National Forest? (http://www.fs.fed.us/r2/arnf/) Or am I condemed to just drive around the national forest until I find somewhere that looks good? Can I even shoot in the Roosevelt National Forest, within the Boulder Ranger District? (The Canyon Lakes Ranger District explicitly lists shooting as an OK activity, but the Boulder RD doesn't. Is it simple omission, or is shooting banned within the district?) Are there just private groups that I need to get in contact with? Are there public ranges I simply havn't found out about? In short, there have got to be other people in Boulder County shooting. They can't all be doing it on their own properties. I want to know where they're all going. (And I'd ask them myself, but I don't know any of them!) (I realize some of this I could probably find out by calling the sheriff or ranger's district. But I really get fed up with trying to extract information from government organizations over the phone. I'd rather pay you, the researcher. :) |
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Re: Where to practice shooting in Boulder County, Colorado?
From: umiat-ga on 10 Dec 2003 15:28 PST |
Here is one link where you "might" find something within acceptable driving distance. ://www.google.com/search?sourceid=navclient&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&q=rifle+practice+near+Boulder+Colorado |
Re: Where to practice shooting in Boulder County, Colorado?
From: journalist-ga on 10 Dec 2003 16:09 PST |
Greetings Jkominek It states at http://www.dailycamera.com/bdc/opinion_columnists/article/0,1713,BDC_2490_2464540,00.html that the Boulder Rifle Club "...also has many "open to the public" days, which again, they don't need to do. This allows the average guy the opportunity to target practice under the attentive eye of a range officer." This site shows a UCB indoor shooting range - there may be classes available there to audit where you could use the range for practice. http://newmedia.colorado.edu/silverandgold/messages/2209.html A message posted at http://books.dreambook.com/besc/book.html reads "We are in the process of trying to develop a range in conjunction with a local club. Is there a chance we can come up to your range on October 7th. We could be there mid to late afternoon that Monday. Could someone let me know if that is possible. Sgt. Greg Schumann Boulder County Sheriff's Office 1777 6th Street Boulder, CO 80302 303-441-3655 mailto:gassh@co.boulder.co.us" You may want to write directly to him, or phone him to see if the club range is up and running, and now available to the general public. The message is dated Thursday, September 19th, 2002. Also, you may want to contact the Colorado State Shooting Association at http://www.cssa.org/events_gunshows.html - their ranges are listed at http://www.cssa.org/ranges.html and their contact page is located at http://www.cssa.org/ranges.html CONTACT INFO: Colorado State Shooting Association 609 W. Littleton Blvd., Suite 206 Littleton, CO 80210 Office (720) 283-1376 Fax (720) 283-1333 mailto:webmaster@cssa.org I don't know how close Aurora is, but here's a club there: www.auroragunclub.com CLUB LOCATION I-70 East of Aurora, Exit 289, At E-470 and Gun Club Road, Cross over E470, Turn South approximately two miles on Gun Club Road, Our Club is on the right. Club Phone # (303) 361-9091 Also, try Front Range if it's close by: Front Range IDPAŠ PO Box 308 Hygiene, CO 80533 303-503-6544 http://idpa.gunsnet.net/ mailto:coloidpa@yahoo.com Since I'm not certain if this information will be of assistance in your quest (not sure what towns are nearby you), I'm posting it here in the Comments section. If it proves to be helpful, please post a comment to let me know. Perhaps another Researcher in or near Boulder will be able to find you another location. Best regards, journalist-ga SEARCH STRATEGY: "boulder county" shooting range "boulder county" public shooting range "boulder county" marksmanship class "boulder county" NRA range "boulder county" firing range "boulder county" shooting sports Colorado State Shooting Association Firing Line shooting range Aurora Cherry Creek State Park Shooting Center |
Re: Where to practice shooting in Boulder County, Colorado?
From: journalist-ga on 10 Dec 2003 16:14 PST |
PS - see also http://www.mines.edu/stu_life/organ/shoot/maps.html for the Cherry Creek shooting range and other Colorado ranges. Best regards, journalist-ga |
Re: Where to practice shooting in Boulder County, Colorado?
From: jkominek-ga on 10 Dec 2003 16:28 PST |
I appreciate the comments, but I'm quite specifically looking for Boulder County. I live near Longmont, and work in Boulder, and I don't really enjoy driving in heavy traffic, so regularly going into or through Denver is out of the question. The Boulder Rifle Club is open to the public one weekend a month, except in the winter, as near as I've been able to determine. (That schedule was posted in a local gunstore.) The UCB indoor shooting range is fascinating, though. Weapons and guns in particular are supposedly banned on campus. But that gives me something to persue, if nothing else. Perhaps I can make a case that it ought to be open to students/faculty. Thanks. |
Re: Where to practice shooting in Boulder County, Colorado?
From: journalist-ga on 11 Dec 2003 09:01 PST |
Glad you have at least one other possibility to explore. When I was a child, the NRA had an indoor firing range at our local National Guard Armory where I was persistent enough to earn an NRA Silver Marksmanship classification with a .22 rifle by the time I was 12 years old. I love target shooting so I understand your desire to partake of the sport. Of course since 9/11/2001, all types of public armory access may have been nixed but you might also try your local armory for information. For outdoor shooting, our county allowed it anywhere in the county, just not in the city limits. Good luck and safe shooting. Best regards, journalist-ga |
Re: Where to practice shooting in Boulder County, Colorado?
From: kneissl-ga on 20 Apr 2004 23:35 PDT |
I found this at http://www.nrahq.org/shootingrange/findlocal.asp?State=CO # Boulder - Boulder American Legion Post #10, 4760 N 28 St., Boulder, CO 80301. Phone: 303-442-9551 Facilities include: Trap Range Access: Public I haven't had a chance to call them yet to confirm anything, I'll post a followup when I do. -Troy |
Re: Where to practice shooting in Boulder County, Colorado?
From: kneissl-ga on 21 Apr 2004 13:11 PDT |
I just called them, they're open to the public every weekend, $4 bring your own gun and ammo. |
Re: Where to practice shooting in Boulder County, Colorado?
From: maybreak-ga on 16 May 2004 23:19 PDT |
I hate to be the one to break it to you. There are no "suitable" ranges you can use. The waiting list for the rifle club is years long, and the american legion has trap shooting. I can tell you what many of us shooters do however. Out in Roosevelt, there is one "public range". It is in lefthand canyon, about a mile or so before the junction of left hand creek and james creek as you go west. Its on the right hand side of the road, at a pulloff, and usually has a car parked there. It is more what you call a "junk range". No benches, tables, or target stands... but all the amenities one would associate with a large draw! Your targets better stand on their own or have a stand with you. Literally tons of shells and casings laying around, and usually some "junk" to shoot at. Sad state of affairs, due to no upkeep and unethical shooters. Anyhow, the best directions I can give you are to go to topozone.com. From there search for Left Hand Canyon in colorado. It should bring up a selection, pick the one in Boulder County. When the map comes up, go West from the canyon mouth along the road to grid square 27. Go to the west end of it and you'll see the draw on the north side where the road peaks toward the northwest and the word Roosevelt. Its near the East side of grid square 28. So... best of luck to you. I can sympathize with your situation, only one more year for me though. Graduation will bring relief! |
Re: Where to practice shooting in Boulder County, Colorado?
From: chrbal-ga on 08 Oct 2004 20:16 PDT |
The Front Range IDPA contact information is out of date in journalist-ga's comment. As of October 2004 it is: http://idpa.50megs.com/ Front Range IDPA PO Box 308 Hygiene, CO 80533 303-503-6544 |
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