Hello, Thor!
Below I've reposted my remarks (plus one piece of additional
material) as the official answer to your question.
This company sells the machines and supplies blank tokens:
Coin Crafters & Engravers: Metal Typer
This online site allows you to enter the text that you want on your
"lucky souvenir coin," and the site's owner will stamp your message
with his metal-typer machine and send the coin to you:
Any Three Words: Metal Typer
Here's an interesting page devoted to various kinds of souvenir coins,
including a nice close-up photo of an aluminum "Arcade Stamped Good
Luck Coin" that looks exactly like the ones I remember from my youth.
Scroll about 2/3rds of the way down the page to the heading (F)
Lucky Mojo Curio Company: 20th Century North American Good Luck Coins
Cat Yronwode, the proprietess of "Lucky Mojo," the site linked above,
seems to be quite an authority on lucky tokens and coins. Her contact
details can be found here:
In seeking this information, I used many different combinations of
keywords. These were the search strings that brought the best results:
Google Web Search: "good luck coin OR token" + "aluminum"
Google Web Search: "metal typer"
I'm delighted that I was able to help. If anything is unclear, or if a
link doesn't work for you, please request clarification; I'll be glad
to offer further assistance before you rate my answer.
Best wishes,
pinkfreud |
Request for Answer Clarification by
12 Dec 2003 22:12 PST
I'm going to hold off "rating" your answer until I hear back from the
person with Metal Typer at anythreewords.com, since I since checked
and observed that it is not linked or otherwise referenced at the
site's main page, so I'm hoping that the token page/service is not
"orphaned" and no longer available. I hope to get back and either
give you five stars or request a refund (and start over looking) in
the next 24-48 hours.
Thank you, regardless, for your help.
I checked your ratings and was very, very impressed. How do you do
it?! Are you a research librarian?
Very cool handle, too, by the way. Although it's probably a pun on
the band, I envision Sigmund in a teddy....