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Q: Print of a Wilhelm Räuber Painting (Die Bekehrung des hl. Hubertus) ( Answered 5 out of 5 stars,   3 Comments )
Subject: Print of a Wilhelm Räuber Painting (Die Bekehrung des hl. Hubertus)
Category: Arts and Entertainment > Visual Arts
Asked by: modus-ga
List Price: $10.00
Posted: 18 Jun 2002 14:26 PDT
Expires: 01 Jul 2002 15:47 PDT
Question ID: 28668
I am looking for a place to purchase a print of "Die Bekehrung des hl.
Hubertus" (The Conversion of St. Hubertus) by Wilhelm Räuber.  A small
image of the painting is available here:

Request for Question Clarification by justaskscott-ga on 22 Jun 2002 22:47 PDT
If you do think that my comment is a good basis for an answer, I would
be happy to put it in an answer form.  I did not want to claim the
money if the answer was not satisfactory.  But of course, I would be
happy to claim the money if the answer is indeed satisfactory.  (I
enjoy doing research -- and I also enjoy making a little money while
doing it, especially if I've helped someone.  :-)  )

Clarification of Question by modus-ga on 24 Jun 2002 07:41 PDT
Thanks for your information.  The CD cover is interesting, but not
useful in this case, since I'm looking for a print to use for display.

The Ektrachrome rental service provided by Artothek isn't a print,
persay, but a print could obviously be produced from the positive
transparency that they provide.  My guess would be that this will turn
out to be prohibitively expensive (My budget is probably $150 or so,
tops), but I've emailed the firm to find out what the rental fees for
the transparency would be.

If the fees are reasonable, it may be possible to get a smaller print,
at least, done within my budget.  If that's the case, I'd be happy to
pay your for the answer you've provided.

Request for Question Clarification by justaskscott-ga on 24 Jun 2002 11:18 PDT
OK, if you find the fees reasonable, I will post my research result
with respect to Artothek as an answer.

I see that the question expires tomorrow, so you might want to extend
the expiration date or repost the question if you don't get a response
from Artothek by the deadline tomorrow.  (Google explains how to
change the time limit or repost a question at .)

Clarification of Question by modus-ga on 24 Jun 2002 15:47 PDT
Done, at the risk that someone else comes up with a better answer in that time :-).

Clarification of Question by modus-ga on 30 Jun 2002 12:36 PDT
The rental of the transparency is approximately US$35, so I think we
can get something done within my budget.  If you want to go ahead and
answer the question, I'd be happy to pay you.
Subject: Re: Print of a Wilhelm Räuber Painting (Die Bekehrung des hl. Hubertus)
Answered By: justaskscott-ga on 30 Jun 2002 15:51 PDT
Rated:5 out of 5 stars
Hi modus-ga,

OK, I'd be happy to answer the question!  I will repeat and expand
only the answer you're looking for, not the answer about the
"Hubertusmesse Jagdmusik" in my original comment.

A conventional search on Google and other search engines or image
engines for terms such as "Die Bekehrung des hl. Hubertus" (or "Die
Bekehrung des heiligen Hubertus"), "The Conversion of St. Hubertus",
or "Wilhelm Räuber" did not turn up a print of the painting.

I figured that a German art dealer or archive, whose site search
engine was not reachable by Google and other general search engines,
might have a print.  I happened to look at Artothek first, and lo and
behold, there it was!  (I did not find the painting on other German
art-store web sites.)

According to Artothek's website, Artothek's "art colors archive
consists of high quality large format reproductions (Ektachromes from
4 x 5" to 8 x 10") of masterpieces of painting, from a great number of
museums from Germany and abroad."

"Company Profile"
Artothek (click
on "Company Profile").

To find this particular painting, use the link I've given above; click
on "Search Motive Database," search for the catchword "Räuber", and
then click on the painting you want.  The image on Artothek shows the
whole painting, not just a detail as on the Hubertus-Orden web site.

You can arrange to make a print from a photographic reproduction of
the painting.  Again, use the same link, and click on "Terms of
Delivery" for information, or on "Inquire a Motive" if you have

I hope you enjoy your print!

- justaskscott-ga
modus-ga rated this answer:5 out of 5 stars
Found something that I would not have found in a million years!

Subject: Re: Print of a Wilhelm Räuber Painting (Die Bekehrung des hl. Hubertus)
From: politicalguru-ga on 18 Jun 2002 21:52 PDT
I contacted the Web master of the site for you - maybe he'll know the
source of what he put online.
Subject: Re: Print of a Wilhelm Räuber Painting (Die Bekehrung des hl. Hubertus)
From: justaskscott-ga on 22 Jun 2002 09:04 PDT
I have found two ways to purchase something close to a print of this

1) You can buy a CD called "Hubertusmesse Jagdmusik" by the
der Kreisjägerschaft Essen.  The cover of the CD contains a detail of
the painting that differs from the one on the Hubertus-Orden website
-- it shows St. Hubert, his hunting dogs, and a stag with a glowing
crucifix between its horns.  The words "Kreisjägerschaft Essen" are
printed over part of the top right of this detail.

2) Or better yet, though probably much more expensive, you could
arrange to make a print from a photographic reproduction of the
painting (and not just a detail of the painting as on the CD cover or
Hubertus-Orden website).

I was tempted to post this in an answer.  However, it's not precisely
what you asked for, and, moreover, politicalguru-ga might conceivably
come up with a better answer from the webmaster of the Hubertus-Orden
Subject: Re: Print of a Wilhelm Räuber Painting (Die Bekehrung des hl. Hubertus)
From: justaskscott-ga on 22 Jun 2002 09:12 PDT
I forgot to mention: to find the painting on the Artothek website,
click on "Search Motive Database," search for the catchword "Räuber",
and then click on the painting you want.

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