Greetings, fc225.
"Most people view the President as the most powerful and influential
person in the United States government. While he does wield a great
deal of political might, his effect on the law-making process is
limited. Only Congress can write legislation; the President may only
recommend it. If he does so, then a member of Congress may introduce
the bill for consideration.
Whereas only Congress may create legislation, it is difficult for them
to pass a bill without the President?s approval. When Congress passes
a bill, they send it to the White House. The President then has three
options: sign the bill into law, veto the bill, or do nothing."
[ ]
This site: [ ]
contains statistics on the number of times diferent Presidents have
used their veto. For example:
"Bill Clinton was the first president since 1853 (Millard Fillmore)
who failed to veto a single bill during an entire Congress, 1993-94.
But in 1995, under the Republican Congress Clinton vetoed 11 pieces of
legislation. Only one, a bill to limit lawsuits by shareholders
claiming social security fraud, was passed over his veto. As a result
of the impass between the president and congress, only 88 bills were
passed in 1995--the lowest total since 1933.
He vetoed 6 more bills in 1996. His 17 vetoes were the lowest in a
full term since Wilson. Less than half of the 46 by Bush. But 245
bills were enacted in 1996, compared with 88 in 1995".
The President is not part of the 'legislature' as such - that is
Congress. The President forms part of the 'executive'. The legislative
powers provided to the President by the Constitution are those of
APPROVING legislation (signing or vetoing congressional bills) or
SUGGESTING legislation to Congress.
"What factors account for differences in presidential success?
THE CHALLENGE OF DEMOCRACY contends that the president's power is the
power to persuade. This suggests that success with the congress varies
with presidential popularity. Presidents today are affected by outside
events, but they can try to influence popularity through television
addresses at formal and informal occasions."
[ ]
The Constitution grants Congress "all legislative powers". More
information on this can be found here:
[ ]
Thanks for your question. If you need any more information than I've
provided here just ask.
Best wishes,
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president "legislative powers"
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