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Social Manipulation (Continuation of the Saga)
Category: Science > Social Sciences Asked by: jmswilsn-ga List Price: $180.00 |
15 Dec 2003 20:56 PST
Expires: 14 Jan 2004 20:56 PST Question ID: 287567 |
The Second Part of the First Question ("Art of Lying/Cheating/Bluffing") Researchers are asked to first familiarize themselves with the content of the first question: https://answers.google.com/answers/threadview?id=287562 Now, this is basically a very similar subject, only now it has been targeted to a specific, presise subject: "Manipulation." Now to clear up the "What in the world?!" sort of thoughts, what I am referring to is not some out-of-space alien brain control, nor the cult brainwashing, nor the government conspiracy stuff, nor the Nazi Germany experiments, nor the types of political regimes, nor the ESP and psychic phenomena, nor the narcotic substance control, nor the imrisonment and so on.. So "what in the world" ?! (Same question, different meaning now) I'm interested in the techniques, methods, tactics, that are used by normal (and not so normal) people to manipulate others (either consciously, or naturally), and any sort of research, data, writing, guide, and related information on it. An example of this would be a good article on how persuation and the "in door foot" phenomena works (if you do not know what I speak of, then you should either go out for a drink, or this should tickle your brains), and how it is used by successfull business men, leaders, chiefs, and regular members of the society to indirectly force a sort of control onto another person. Same as in the first question, please do not provide me with boring historical facts, statistical figures, experimental data that has no conclusion, and so on. I would rather appreciate learning about how Manipulation works and what is it that makes us fall for it (like adaptation to a new norm, shifting of the minimums and affinity for order when dealing with the "in door foot" explanation.) More of the "Reasons for Passively giving into Subtle Control" than "Studies prove that Europeans are more prone to Brainwashing than Asians". More of "Subconscious Choice to Obey, Rather than Protest" and less of the "Dr. Borimerg devized a narcotic that will Brainwash the Earth!" I'm sure you get the drift. This should be as fun for you as it will be pleasing for me to read all of the juicy stuff you will present me with. I look forward into reading what you have to offer, and will either be very dissapointed (low feedback score) or highly motivated and excited to give a generous reward (tip) and a blessing for such wonderful help. Thank you for your interest, dont rush, request the same question to be reposted if you would like to provide data, but someone already answered the question. I'm not in a hurry, time is not limited and quality is what I value most. Tingle my brain with your presentation (no need for a report, remember, just links), fill me up with data and knowledge, surprize the world by performing an outstanding job and stand up to the rank of the best researchers on GoogleAnswers. Only with your magical skill this can happen, only with your help can I quench the thirst for information. |
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Re: Social Manipulation (Continuation of the Saga)
Answered By: journalist-ga on 17 Dec 2003 09:46 PST Rated: ![]() |
Greetings Jmswilsn: Thank you for your patience while I have researched your question and thanks for asking *such* an interesting question. I've examined numerous resources for your perusal including only the ones I feel have direct bearing on your request. I have included a few links regarding coercive persuasion and the ones I chose seemed (to me) to offer the most comprehensive examples in relation to manipulation and directly related to manipulative skills. ********* Are you someone's puppet? 4 ways people manipulate others http://www.selfgrowth.com/articles/Treffert1.html How people manipulate people Begins at http://www.livereal.com/battle_for_mind/battle_members/how_people_manipulate_people.htm Manipulate Your Visitors With Reverse Psychology [pertains to writing sales copy] http://www.allmerchants.com/Articles.Business-Promotion.Manipulate-Your-Visitors-With-Reverse-Psychology.id.27820.htm Outline format for persuasive speech http://comm.colorado.edu/jjackson/1300/format3.htm Persuasive Speech Tips http://www.csupomona.edu/~sciman/classes/324/organizer/persuaSpeech.html Do you want to inform or persuade? [comments on persuasive architecture in web design] http://www.clickz.com/sales/traffic/article.php/1474771 Persuade like a pro http://www.ottsg.com/articles/Persuasion/persuasion.html ********* Persuasive Techniques used in Charity Advertising http://www.courseworkbank.co.uk/coursework/media_persuasive_techniques_used_charity_advertisements_1466/ Persuasive Techniques [list] http://projects.edtech.sandi.net/ofarrell/genocidewebquest/techniques.html Analysing the persuasive techniques ? advertising techniques http://www.trinity.cumbria.sch.uk/subjectweb/mediaweb/myweb/_private/ad%20techniques.htm Analyzing Persuasion in Media Techniques ? Common Persuasive Techniques in Advertising http://go.hrw.com/elotM/0030526698/student/ch07/lg1607322_324.pdf Persuasion Technology ? scenarios http://meta.wikipedia.org/wiki/Persuasion_technology#scenarios Persuasive Techniques [in writing] http://gci.wrdsb.on.ca/library/assignments/English/persuasive_tech.htm Can language manipulate thought? [a message board discussion] http://www.linguistlist.org/~ask-ling/archive-1997.10/msg01123.html Common Persuasive Techniques http://homepage.mac.com/suecollins/school/media/techniques.html ********* Power ? Negotiation and Persuasion http://www.maxwideman.com/papers/negotiating/power.htm ********* The Art of Persuasion [30 sales techniques] http://mindprod.com/persuasion.html ********* Rhetoric [brief examples of rhetoric used as tool of persuasion] http://newark.rutgers.edu/~jlynch/Terms/rhetoric.html Rhetorical Persuasion http://www.bu.edu/people/kaoki/cm380/lecture4.htm Rhetoric defined http://www.sciencedaily.com/encyclopedia/Rhetoric Classical Rhetoric http://web.utk.edu/%7egwynne/classical.html [click on in left column] The Sophists and the Power of the Spoken Word at http://www.originalsources.com/default_netos.asp ******* Utilization of "Teaching Tales" of Milton Erickson, M.D. [therapeutic persuasion] "Milton Erickson's "teaching tales" are extraordinary examples of the art of persuasion. These tales are not only "telling stories" but are major elements of his therapy. They were used whenever necessary as they were an integral part of the therapeutic structure." http://www.lucidexperience.com/HypnoPapers/650.html ********* Esoteric Principals of Persuasion http://www.divineparadox.com/Essays/persuasion.htm ********* The Art of Persuasion [from an attorney's P.O.V.] http://www.aaml.org/artof.htm ********* Introduction to Manipulation Techniques http://nlp.snowseed.com/intro_manipulation.htm In the left column of the site are other links. Of special note are "16 Tactics" at http://www.workingpsychology.com/marwell.html and "53 Tactics" at http://www.workingpsychology.com/levine.html - also visit "Bad Info" at http://www.workingpsychology.com/badinfo.html ********* The Techniques of Coercive Persuasion [begins about 1/5 of the way down the page] "There are seven main techniques categories that are layered, interwoven, and overlapped into a coercive persuasion program." http://www.caic.org.au/psyther/sci/cp1.htm?FACTNet ********* The Battle for Your Mind Persuasion & Brainwashing Techniques Being Used On The Public Today By Dick Sutphen "The following is an expanded version of a lecture Dick Sutphen delivered at the World Congress of Professional Hypnotists Convention in Las Vegas, Nevada?On numerous occasions, the information has helped to bring public attention to the misuse of conversion tactics. Some government agencies don't want this information generally known, for the techniques are used in armed forces basic training. Some Christian Fundamentalists, cults, and human-potential trainings would also prefer that the public remain unaware of how they are recruiting new members." http://www.canadiancoalitionforhealthfreedom.ca/article.php?sid=1562&mode=thread&order=0 ********* "According to Cialdini, the majority of the thousands of different tactics that compliance professionals use fall into six categories, and each category is based on a psychological principle that directs human behavior. These six principles are: 1. Consistency. We try to justify our earlier behavior. 2. Reciprocity. If somebody gives us something, we try to repay in kind. 3. Social Proof. We try to find out what other people think is correct. 4. Authority. We have a deep-seated sense of duty to authority figures. 5. Liking. We obey people we like. 6. Scarcity. If we come to want something, we can be made to fear that if we wait it will be gone. The opportunity to get it may pass. We want to take it now - whatever is being offered, from an object to cosmic consciousness." From http://www.rickross.com/reference/cults_in_our_midst/cults_in_our_midst4.html ********* A Study of the Persuasion Techniques Used by Jehovah?s Witnesses and the Watchtower Mystical Manipulation - http://www.freeminds.org/psych/beel.htm#myst Beginning with Christian revival techniques, the author offers information/explanation of "three brain phases," "voice roll technique," and many other conversion techniques. ********* Matching [mirroring a person's actions/tone to engineer trust] http://users.pandora.be/merlevede/EQe_art5.htm Also from that site: " Have you eve [sic] noticed how some TV-reporters use body language during an interview? Sometimes they seem to be nodding their heads "in agreement" with the person they are interviewing. And afterwards they are asking a question that shows they didn't agree at all? The effect of the nodding is that the guest feels himself at ease and keeps on talking (especially if he didn't exercise to avoid this). " ********* PACING and LEADING " Pacing is basically that you go along with whatever the person is doing at the time. You match where she is at. If she is bored, match her boredom; if she is full of energy, be full of energy; if she is talking slowly, talk slowly. You don't have to do exactly the same, and often it would be unhealthy for you to do exactly the same. But you can always match something about you with something of her's. If you do this smoothly you will both feel that you understand each other to a certain degree." http://www.worldtrans.org/TP/TP1/TP1-37.HTML ********* Neuro-Linguistic Programming Verbal Pacing and Leading Examples and worksheet http://www.nlpandhypnosis.com/ex5.htm Irresistible Communication, Influence and Persuasion Part 2 Combining Advanced Language Patterns Mastery with Verbal Pacing and Leading http://www.nlpandhypnosis.com/ex6.htm Please see the "exercises" page at http://www.nlpandhypnosis.com/exercises.htm where you will see more exercises in manipulative skills. [Google search results for "pacing and leading" turns up many links. You may view all the results at ://www.google.com/search?hl=en&lr=&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&q=%22pacing+and+leading%22 ] ********* [known] Confidence Games and Swindles ? this is a sampling from the many results I found. I didn't want to flood you with duplicates if these types of links ? the researcher answering Part One of this question may include these as well. The following links offer explanations of known swindles and confidence games regarding various manipulative techniques: The Sweetheart Swindle http://www.geocities.com/s_o_s_elderabuse/TheSweetheartSwindle1999.html Confidence Games and swindles http://www.irvingpd.com/fraud.htm 1996 Fraud report Explains in detail "The Big Carrot" "The Pigeon Drop" and "The Utility Imposter" scenarios http://www.cambridgepolice.org/reports/1996/fraud.html FlimFlam.com Includes the FTC Top Ten Online Scams at http://www.flimflam.com/new_page_2.htm 19 scam alerts at http://www.flimflam.com/news.htm House of Con Games ? Marketing Schemes Explains Ponzi, "The Incredible Forecaster" and "All That Glitters" confidence games http://www.geocities.com/king_grifter/investment.html End Times Scam and Con Games "Con artists are often attracted to spiritual and religious groups. Here they can practice their arts under the veil of protection of the groups, which assumes anyone associating with the group is truly aligned with its moral principles and would help, not take advantage of its members." http://www.angelfire.com/ne/newviews/cturner.html Acidics ? a site dedicated to stopping scams and confidence games http://www.acidics.com/ Scams and Con Games http://www.crimedoctor.com/scams.htm South Australia Office of Consumer Affairs - Scams http://www.ocba.sa.gov.au/search.html ********* TRAINING TOOLS YOU MAY BE INTERESTED IN PURCHASING and OTHER LINKS THAT MAY BE OF INTEREST: How To Win Friends and Influence People The Dale Carnegie Course http://www.dale-carnegie.com/ The Art of Persuasion "Adopted by IBM to train its sales force, The Art of Persuasion (TAP) teaches you how to create an effective sales presentation and the communication skills you need to deliver it!" http://www.theartofpersuasion.com/ Coercive Persuasion and Scientology http://www.caic.org.au/psyther/sci/cp-scn.htm?FACTNet The "Not Me" Myth: Orwell and the Mind By Margaret Thaler Singer Ph.D. http://www.caic.org.au/general/singer.htm The Age of manipulation: The Con in Confidence, The Sin in Sincere http://www.health-books-web.com/ Get Anyone to Do Anything : And Never Feel Powerless Again: Psychological Secrets to Predict, Control, and Influence Every Situation By David J. Lieberman http://www.phil-books.com/Get_Anyone_to_Do_Anything_and_Never_Feel_Powerless_Again_Psychological_Secrets_to_Predict_Control_and_Influence_Every_Situation_0312209045.html Covert Persuasion http://www.xtrememind.com/ In Sheep's Clothing: Dealing with Manipulative People http://www.rickross.com/reference/brainwashing/brainwashing11.html Book list on persuasion techniques http://www.rickross.com/reference/books/reading_list.html#Persuasion%20Techniques See also "The Psychology of Persuasion" at http://www.phil-books.com/The_Psychology_of_Persuasion_How_to_Persuade_Others_to_Your_Way_of_Thinking_1565541464.html "If you are looking for additional information regarding persuasion, influence, or compliance, you may find the following links interesting." From http://www.workingpsychology.com/linkrev.html Con Artists and Confidence Games CD-ROM from cdromhouse.com profiles hundreds of swindlers and swindles http://www.cdromhouse.com/products/conartists.html Unlimited Power By Anthony Robbins http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/0449902803/102-1593982-7755303?v=glance "sheeple" definition "People who are meek, easily persuaded, and tend to follow the crowd " http://www.wordspy.com/words/sheeple.asp Meanings of Meow: Cornell Researcher Seeks to Prove How Cats Manipulate People http://abcnews.go.com/sections/scitech/DailyNews/cats020514.html Does Friendship Include Manipulation? http://www.cyberparent.com/friendship/manipulate.htm ********* Should you require any clarification of the links or information I have provided, please request it and I will be happy to respond. Also, if any of the links I presented sparked a tangent to your query, please request further research in that area and I'll be happy to perform additional searches. Best regards and happy reading! journalist-ga SEARCH STRATEGY: "persuasion techniques" "persuasion techniques" sales "persuasion techniques" manipulation "persuasion tactics" "persuasive techniques" "persuasive elocution" "persuasion technology" persuasive action "power of persuasion" manipulate "unconscious compliance" "coercive persuasion" techniques "master manipulator" techniques "master manipulation" "human manipulation" psychology "leading and pacing" "manipulating emotions" "pacing and leading" "influence and persuasion" "manipulative techniques" "neuro linguistic programming" "psychology of manipulation" "art of manipulation" "manipulate and control" "manipulation and control" how people manipulate "art of persuasion" "the art of persuasion" "the art of persuasion" manipulate outcome "the art of persuasion" language "art of persuasion" sales "rhetorical persuasion" "rhetorical method" persuasion swindles and confidence games "confidence men" sheeple "human manipulation" examples "emotional manipulation" con game |
rated this answer:![]() Hello journalist, I must say, that wow, you've spent quite some time to research into this matter. As I was going down through the links, I kept nodding to my self, saying "yes", "yes", yes", to almost every link you have provided. I cant wait to get started to read them all, thus I'll keep this thank you note short and simple. Thank you very much for your answer, you did a spectacular job! I definately recommend you to any other people with questions that are out there. If GoogleAnswers allows giving raises, you should be one of the few who should get it. |
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Re: Social Manipulation (Continuation of the Saga)
From: journalist-ga on 18 Dec 2003 06:59 PST |
Dear Jmswilsn: Thank you for your comments, rating and extreme added generosity! I am delighted you are pleased with my research on this topic. As a former psychology major, the subject is quite fascinating to me and I added greatly to my knowledge base in the process of answering your question. Thank you for the opportunity to assist you! Best regards, journalist-ga Best regards |
Re: Social Manipulation (Continuation of the Saga)
From: journalist-ga on 18 Dec 2003 08:07 PST |
PS - While researching for a customer on sensory branding, I just ran across this article: Subliminal seduction - How to turn her on ...WITHOUT touching her! By SANDY NAIMAN http://www.canoe.ca/LifewiseHeartLove00/seduction.html To me, it read like an article on how to manipulate women so I wanted to add it here for your perusal. Best regards, journalist-ga |
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