Online cognac stores
Category: Business and Money > Small Businesses Asked by: bublikus-ga List Price: $25.00 |
19 Dec 2003 16:19 PST
Expires: 18 Jan 2004 16:19 PST Question ID: 288886 |
This is a two-part question, and whoever is able to answer the second part, should also be able to answer the first. I need to get answers to both questions in order to accept the answer. 1. Are there any online stores that either specialize in cognac sales or offer an extensive selection of cognacs? 2. I need a list of a few articles / publications / research reports in the past three years that talk about online sales of cognac, trends, stores, success stories, failure stories, market status, cognac distributors and wholesalers, and anything else that has to do with online cognac sales in the United States. |
Re: Online cognac stores
Answered By: belindalevez-ga on 20 Dec 2003 11:11 PST Rated: |
<After an extensive search I could find only three sites that specialise in cognac and ship to the U.S. There are a greater number of online liquor stores that also stock cognac as one of their many products. Specialist cognac sites. Le-cognac.com was the first specialist cognac site on the internet. It is devoted entirely to cognac. They sell 100 different cognac products. http://www.le-cognac.com/ Cognacweb is a specialised cognac site selling 8 cognac products. However it is not up to date. It?s news is from 1998. There are also a number of broken links. http://www.cognacweb.com/giftshop.html Pierre Boullmer Sells 14 Pierre Boullmer cognacs and 2 champagnes. http://www.pierreboullmer.com/company.htm Cognac producer sites. The major producers of cognac only provide information about their products. They do not sell online. Their sites are as follows: http://www.hennessy-cognac.com/index2.asp http://www.courvoisier.com/pages/main_fr.html http://www.remy.com/index_eu.htm http://www.otard.com/gb/index.htm http://www.martell.com/martell_flash.html Cognac producers are drifting onto the web. http://www.cognacnet.com/torulanews/tn02.htm Other sites selling cognac as part of their product range. Missionliquor.com sells a range of drinks, cigars and accessories including over 90 different cognacs. http://www.missionliquor.com/Store/Qstore/Qstore.cgi?CMD=009&DEPT=000002&CAT=000017&BACK=A0007A1B0000002B1 Bevmo.com sells a range of drinks and offers 67 cognac products. http://www.bevmo.com/productlist.asp?area=spirits&category=30060010&catname=Cognac&leftmenu= Internet wines and spirits sells a range of drinks and offers 95 cognac products. http://www.internetwines.com/spirits-brandy-cognac.html Beerliquors.com sells a range of drinks including an extensive range of cognacs. They claim to have the largest selection of liquors and liqueurs in the U.S. The website describes the products but they are actually sold by Internet Wines & Spirits (see above). http://www.beerliquors.com/liquors/cognac.htm Vino.com ? Sells over 3500 wines including a wide range of cognacs. http://www.vino.com/shopping/products.asp?cat=98&Sort=&Let= Cig4U.com ? sells a limited choice of major brand cognacs. http://www.cig4u.com/brands.asp?strCartID={E8EBE9AF-E0B2-468D-B711-2F4B9BC3702C}&intCatID=7000 Winedancer.com Sells a selection of 22 cognac gifts. http://www.winedancer.com/en-gb/dept_113.html Queenannewine.com sells a range of liquors and cigars including 10 cognacs. http://www.queenannewine.com/spirits.html France-wine.com ? 7 cognacs. http://www.france-wine.com/fw/wines/by-category/cognac/list/cognac-list.htm Prime Wine ? sells a large choice of wine and a limited choice of Cognac ? three brands. http://www.primewines.com/content_about_us.asp ------------------------------------------------------------- 2. Articles. There is a lack of information about online sales of cognac. This is probably due to the fact that there are so few specialist sites and it is not an activity that the major producers are involved in. They just tend to use their sites as marketing tools. Selling cognac online. A article in Torula News on 18.01.01 talks about online sales of cognac. It states that for a long time only a few specialised sites sold cognac. It is sold in limited quantities and only when a site takes the time to explain the product. To gain repeat sales good customer service is essential. Rare or limited quantities helps to attract collectors and connoisseurs. http://www.swfrance.com/torulanews/torulanews0101.htm Luxury etailers. This article describes how people are willing to invest in websites selling luxury goods. It highlights a company that has raised $13 million in investment funds to sell high-end wines. http://www.ecommercetimes.com/perl/story/13640.html Swfrance.com features cognac news stories. http://www.swfrance.com/ The lack of information about cognac retailers prompted me to look at how other alcohol retailers have faired online. The US Wine Industry and the Internet. This paper discusses how many online wine selling sites have failed. Only a small fraction of wine is sold online accounting for 0.5% of U.S. retail sales. This paper includes case studies of retailers and reasons for their failure. According to NRF/Forrester, online spending on food and beverages was $93.7 million (2.3% of the total volume of online spending). http://uaeller.eller.arizona.edu/~mginsbur/pubs/2003/ca_wine.pdf One of the major failures was wine.com and one of the survivors was evinyard. However even evinyard needed a major injection of cash to keep going. Their experiences show the problems associated with selling alcohol online. This article tells how evineyard was one of the few survivors in the online wine business, buying the name wine.com from the company before it went bankrupt. Evineyard suffered losses due to a lack of expertise in selling wine. http://news.com.com/2100-1017-944232.html?tag=cd_mh Wine shopper and wine.com merge. The merger comes in the wake of immense regulatory difficulties regarding the sale and transportation of alcohol. http://news.com.com/2100-1017_3-244502.html?tag=st_rn The full story of wine.com?s problems. http://www.bayarea.com/mld/mercurynews/business/3756788.htm <Additional links:> <The U.S. market 2002> http://www.harpers-wine.com/featuresitem.cfm?FeatureID=47 http://www.winespectator.com/Wine/Daily/News_Print/0,2463,2287,00.html http://www.winespectator.com/Wine/Daily/News/0,1145,2287,00.html <U.S. market 2001> <http://www.winespectator.com/Wine/Daily/News/0,1145,1625,00.html> <Cognac trends.> <http://www.beveragebusiness.com/art-arch/mmbradford01.html> <New bill targets online liquor sales> <http://www.findarticles.com/cf_dls/m0HDN/1999_June_18/54945813/p1/article.jhtml> <Wine & Spirits Wholesalers of America> <http://www.wswa.org/public/about/who.html> <Brand popularity influenced by songs.> <http://www.newmediastrategies.net/buzz_brandweek2.html> <Lowest prices of cognac available online.> <http://shop.bizrate.com/buy/products__cat_id--16060000,keyword--cognac,att287006--267938-.html> <Links to producers> <http://www.bnic.fr/web_bnic/asp/negoce_marques_sites.asp> <Demographics 49% of readers purchased cognac. http://www.hamptons-magazine.com/demographics.php 45% of readers purchased cognac. http://www.gotham-magazine.com/demographics.php 35% of readers purchased cognac. http://www.la-confidential-magazine.com/demographics.php> <Cognac importers and distributors in the U.S.> <http://www.swfrance.com/torula/toruladistributorsusa.htm> <Report ? French Brandy and Cognac 2002 costs 240 Euro.> <http://www.researchandmarkets.com/reports/7975/> <Alize ups the ante> <http://www.beveragenet.net/bd/2000/0800/0800fyi.asp> <Search strategy:> <"buy cognac"> <://www.google.com/search?hl=en&lr=&ie=ISO-8859-1&q=%22buy+cognac%22> <"online sales" cognac > <://www.google.com/search?hl=en&lr=&ie=ISO-8859-1&q=%22online+sales%22+cognac+> <"sales of cognac" > <://www.google.com/search?hl=en&lr=&ie=ISO-8859-1&q=%22sales+of+cognac%22+> <"sell cognac" website> <://www.google.com/search?hl=en&lr=&ie=ISO-8859-1&q=%22sell+cognac%22+website> <Hope this helps.> |
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Wow! You have done great research! Thank you very much!!! This is exactly the kind of information I was looking for. Great job! |
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