I'm looking for a registration method for software developed for PDAs.
Thought of picking up the serial number of a device, have it pass
through a formula which give two resuts and send off one of them to
the server through the user and via a registration form where a reply
comes with the recond portion for comparison.
The application would be activated if the two match.
Want to make sure the application is not fooled through a tool that
sets the serial number of the device in order to have it falsely
registered, as the case is with some of the fake registration tools
out there.
Any recommendations and formulas to use on both ends of the business transaction?
Thank you.
/Dusty |
Request for Question Clarification by
20 Dec 2003 05:32 PST
Hello, dustydune:
Are you looking for software that helps you protect the software you
develop for a PDA? Which language do you use to develop such software?
Palm or Pocket PC?
Request for Question Clarification by
20 Dec 2003 07:47 PST
What you would need to do is develop some kind of hashing algorithm.
The user would send you the registration number, you would calculate
the hash of this number and send it back. The user would input this
number as their registration code, your program would then calculate
the hash of the registration number and compare the two.
If you want I could give you references to popular hashing algorithms,
which could inspire you in creating your own.
What do you think?
Clarification of Question by
20 Dec 2003 13:17 PST
Hi Endo,
I like the idea, but I would like to get recommendations on how to
make sure this is the same PDA that was authorized to use the
Should the application request the user to trigger the process, the
application would then create the two strings through the algorithm
and then use the date and time of the machine to do so and give the
user 24 hours to get the code processed on the net to complete the
registration process or re-do the process again?
You see, I know very little about the issue, but if I'm assumed that
the method can counter the serial number or other PDA environment
characteristics forging to register other unauthorized PDAs.
You're heading in the right path and if you explain the idea to
address my issues, you've got it covered. :-)
Request for Question Clarification by
20 Dec 2003 14:03 PST
What you suggest wouldn't prevent anyone from changing the serial
number and the date on their PDA to install the software.
What you could do is derive a hash from the serial number and the
running processes and available memory available at the time. Send
this hash to you as a registration number, you then calculate another
hash from it, and send it back as a registration code. Your program
does the same calculation and compares the two. You will know that it
will only work on one PDA because the original registration number is
derived uniquely at installation time and only the corresponding hash
can be used to complete registration.
I can find you source code in C for a popular hashing algorithm, I
guess you could apply it and then use only certain bytes out of the
hash to make the registration code.
What do you think?
Clarification of Question by
20 Dec 2003 14:13 PST
Go ahead! :-)