I receive the results of tournaments by email in a text form. They
are in one of two heading formats and contain, what I think are,
characters, which can be used as delimiters. Some of the tournaments
have a few entrants and others contain thousands of entrants. I am
seeking expert who will develop a database or spreadsheet, which will
allow me to compare any combination of elements against each other.
The information in the heading is a few individual pieces of data,
such as: tournament number; date; amount etc. The bulk of the data
includes; name, finish position, and amount won. On occasion, there
is a tag in parenthesis at the end of a name field.
Samples and details are available. The answer will provide a working
entity capable of running on a 2-megahertz PC with up to 80 gigabytes
of storage. I am not literate in either database or spreadsheet
terminology or implementation. |