< Importing a car to the U.S.
1. Check that the car conforms to U.S. regulations for:
Safety standards
2. That it satisfies emission requirements.
3. That it conforms to bumper regulations.
4. Pay the Gas Guzzler Tax if applicable.
5. Comply with state requirements.
6. Comply with customs requirements.
1. Safety standards ? Motor Vehicle Safety Act, 1966, Imported Vehicle
Safety Compliance Act 1988.
Contact details:
U.S. Department of Transportation
400 7th Street, S.W.
Room 6115
Washington, DC 20590
(202) 366-5313
2. Emmission requirements ? Clean Air Act, 1968 (amended 1977 and
1990). www.epa.gov/otaq/imports
Complete form EPA form 3520-1
The Automotive Imports Facts Manual describes the steps you need to
take to import a car to comply with these regulations.
Quick overview
Detailed importing requirements.
Non-emmission requirements
Importation flow chart.
Contact details:
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Certification and Compliance Division,
Imports Program (6405J)
1200 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20460
Telephone: (202) 564-9660,
8:30am-4:30pm Eastern U.S. time, Monday-Friday
Fax: (202) 565-2057, 24 hours every day
3. Bumper regulations ? Motor Vehicle Information and Cost Savings Act
1972 (effective in 1978).
Form HS7 needs to be completed. If your car is manufactured to U.S.
standards, ensure that this is mentioned on the sales contract as it
may expedite your importation.
If your car does not comply it will need to be modified. You will need
to contract with a DOT- registered importer and post a DOT bond for
one and a half time the vehicles dutiable value.
Form HS7
4. Gas Guzzler Tax.
This tax costs between $1000 and $7,700 If the fuel economy of the car
is at least 22.5 mpg no tax is payable.
Form 720
Form 6197 ? this form shoes the tax payable.
Contact details:
Internal Revenue Service
Public Affairs Office
1111 Constitution Avenue, N.W.
Washington, DC 20224
(202) 622-4920
5. State requirements.
California has its own emission requirements.
Contact details:
State of California
Air Resources Board
Mobile Source Control Division
9528 Telstar Avenue
El Monte, CA 91731
(818) 575-6858
Your local State Department of Motor Vehicles may need to see your
documents relating to emission requirements and proof of Gas Guzzler
payment before you can register the vehicle.
In addition some states operate an Inspection/Maintenance program. You
will need to contact your local I/M office it this applies in your
6. Customs requirements.
For customs clearance you will need:
The shipper?s original bill of lading.
Bill of sale.
Foreign registration.
Any other documents relating to the car.
EPA form 3520-1
DOT form HS-7
Form 3299
If your car does not meet emission requirements it will need to be
imported by an independent commercial importer.
The under carriage of your car must be free from foreign soil.
Your car should not contain personal belongings.
Duty of 2.5% is payable (returning U.S. residents may apply for an
exemption of $400). Under certain conditions duty free import is
possible ? see the website below.
This site also describes the requirements of driver?s plates and permits.
<Search strategy:>
<"importing a car">
<"importing a car" "u.s. customs service">
<Hope this helps.> |