Hi prpro-ga,
This is indeed an annoying problem and it happened to me as well. I
will assume you are surfing the net using Internet Explorer. If you're
using Netscape or some other browser, please let me know.
It's a problem that quite a few people have faced occasionally, and
the reason few people knew how to solve it, is because the solution
doesn't have anything to de with the problem at first sight. Below I
listed several possible solutions, starting with the most likely to
The problem usually occurs when the user's cache is full. Try clearing
your browser's cache:
For Internet Explorer version 4.0:
On the View menu of your Internet Explorer toolbar, click Internet
Click the General tab.
In the Temporary Internet files area, click Delete Files, then click
Click OK to close Internet Options.
For Internet Explorer version 5.0, 5.5, 6.0:
On the Tools menu of your Internet Explorer toolbar, click Internet
Click the General tab.
In the Temporary Internet files area, click Delete Files, then click
Click OK to close Internet Options.
Occording to the Microsoft Knowledge base, this issue can occur if you
have "Do not save encrypted pages to disk" selected in Tools, Options,
Advanced Tab and are loading the page over a secure connection
To workaround, uncheck "Do not save encrypted pages to disk" from
Tools, Options, Advanced Tab. Then select View, Refresh to reload the
This issue can also occur when you connect to a Web site using an
address that contains <username:password>. For example, the server is
accessed through http://<username:password@site>/default.htm, instead
of http://<site>/default.htm.
Type in the direct path to the image that you wish to save. When the
image loads into Internet Explorer, right click the image and select
Save Picture As . The correct file type and name should be correct
An other cause could be a missing graphics filter. These are the
instructions for Office 2000, but it should be similar for other
Office versions:
To install all of the graphics filters, follow these steps:
- Start Office Setup.
- Click Add or Remove Features .
- In the Microsoft Office 2000: Update Features dialog box, click the
plus sign (+) next to Converters and Filters .
- Click the list next to Graphics Filters , and then click to select
Run all from My Computer .
- Click Update Now .
If that doesn't solve it, it might be a file association problem.
You should be able to change / add file extension associations by
going to "View - Options - file types" in an Windows Explorer window,
selecting the appropriate file type (eg jpeg) then editing the open
command and browsing to mspaint.exe, quickviewer or internet explorer
as the program to perform action.
If the above options fail, you might try a registry fix (according to
Microsoft Support):
- Click Start , click Run , and then type: regedit to start the
Registry Editor.
- Click the Name value under the following key in the registry:
"HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Shared Tools\Graphics
- On the Edit menu, click Modify , type: JPEG File Interchange Format
in the Value Data box, and then click OK .
- Click the Extensions value under the same key in the following
"HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Shared Tools\Graphics
- On the Edit menu, click Modify , type: jpg in the Value Data box,
and then click OK .
- Quit the Registry Editor.
you can also try this manually:
All you need is a little file .reg:
[-HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Shared Tools\Graphics
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Shared Tools\Graphics
"Name"="JPEG File Interchange Format"
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Shared Tools\Graphics
Filters\Export\JPEG\Image API]
"Time Stamp"=dword:01be6ad6
"Compression Type"=dword:00000080
"Black Is 0"="Yes"
"GrayScale"="128, 192, 0"
"Palette"="0, 0, 0"
"RGB"="128, 192, 0"
"RGB Planar"="0,0,0"
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Shared Tools\Graphics
Filters\Export\JPEG\Filter API]
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Shared Tools\Graphics
End of copy.
Open Notebook and paste, change the "Path" value to the corresponding
path on your system, then save it as .reg (any name, I suggest
JPEG.reg), in any folder (My docs, i.e.). Double click on this file
and you'll have again the option to save as jpg working again.
Finally, you might also be able to determine the format in which the
image is saved manually:
Once you are ready to save your image, and you just typed the file
name, type a period and add the file extension, that is .jpg or jpeg
in the box. This maight force IE to save the image in that format,
even though it would otherwise save the image as a bmp.
If this wouldn't help, please let me know the type and version number
of your browser and operating system.
Hope this helps you solve your problem - keep us posted,
Search terms used: jpeg, bmp, problem, "save as", explorer
http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;EN-US;q299953 |