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Clan leader's title
Category: Relationships and Society > Cultures Asked by: apteryx-ga List Price: $4.82 |
27 Dec 2003 21:14 PST
Expires: 26 Jan 2004 21:14 PST Question ID: 290807 |
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Re: Clan leader's title
Answered By: pinkfreud-ga on 30 Dec 2003 09:26 PST Rated: ![]() |
Apteryx, Thank you very much for accepting my remarks as your answer. Like all of your questions, this was a fascinating hunt. Best wishes from The Pink, of that ilk |
rated this answer:![]() The Pink of Pink, Many thanks. You've satisfied my relentless curiosity yet again. I don't know of any tartan that uses pink, but this one is kinda close. http://www.chebucto.ns.ca/Heritage/FSCNS/Scots_NS/Clans/MacKay/Symbols_Mackay/TB_MacKay_A_FX.html Apteryx |
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Re: Clan leader's title
From: aht-ga on 27 Dec 2003 23:00 PST |
apteryx-ga: I haven't found a definitive web resource for you to learn more about this; from the various sites I've scanned, the origin of this use of "the" in naming the head of a clan harkens back to the origins of the Scottish Highland clans, when the leader of the clan claimed direct blood-descendancy from the original founder. Since the leader of the clan was regarded as the "father" of the clan (the word clan itself being from the Gaelic word for "the children"), it made sense to refer to him as "the Bruce" or "the Wallace". While clans existed in one form or another in other societies around the world, I am not aware of any others where the clan leader was referred to as "the..." clan name. If there is, I'm sure one of my fellow Researchers will find it for you! Regards, aht-ga Google Answers Researcher |
Re: Clan leader's title
From: markj-ga on 28 Dec 2003 06:13 PST |
It may take some real digging to find an authoritative answer to this interesting question, and I leave it to the genealogy experts among us to come with it most efficiently. The best I can do before having to go "off duty" for a while this morning is this link to a thread on the "Sinclair Family Discussion List": Re: "THE Bruce" http://sinclair2.quarterman.org/archive/2000/03/msg00228.html markj-ga |
Re: Clan leader's title
From: pinkfreud-ga on 28 Dec 2003 12:19 PST |
Howdy, Apteryx! You may find this interesting: http://homepage.tinet.ie/~donnaweb/info/article06.html |
Re: Clan leader's title
From: pinkfreud-ga on 28 Dec 2003 12:57 PST |
More on the Irish use of the prefix "The" for a chief: "Only very few of the old Irish families are allowed to use the prefix 'The' before their family name. There is good documentary evidence to confirm an unbroken use of the O'Donovan title by the Chiefly House. Furthermore successive Chiefs asserted, through heraldry, their DE JURE position as Chiefs and Gaelic lords by displaying supporters in their armorial achievements (supporters being considered, by the British authorities, an attribute permitted only to Peers of the Realm or Knights Grand Cross of Orders). They also used a feudal chapeau of lordship in their crest. The continued interest of the Chiefly line in Gaelic culture is demonstrated by the present O'Donovan's membership of the Standing Council of Irish Chiefs and Chieftains. Today the O'Donovan family is one of only fifteen Irish families to have a chief, still known as The O'Donovan who is officially recognised by the Chief Herald of Ireland." http://irishdons.homestead.com/donovan.html "There are two aspects of recognition with regard to Irish Chiefship. It is important to remember and differentiate between the two, for that is how much of the confusion surrounding the issue starts. The main difference is between 'Chief of the Name' and 'Chief of the Clan'. As stated, there are three organizations that recognize and work with Irish clans. They are: The Genealogical Office and the Chief Herald of Ireland The Standing Council of Irish Chiefs and Chieftains The Clans of Ireland The Genealogical office and the Chief Herald are the official entity of the government in Dublin. It is concerned with recognizing those who are 'Chiefs of the Name' and thus, the title of 'The', not with the conduct of the clans themselves... The Clans of Ireland. This organization, which was at one point an official branch of the Genealogical Office, is focused on the clans themselves. The Clans of Ireland are not in the business of recognizing pedigrees or lines of descent. They do not give the title 'The' to the head of a clan. Instead the Clans of Ireland recognize what the clan organizations themselves do. If a clan does not have one of the nineteen 'Chiefs of the Name', then that organization can select one of their own to become 'Chief of the Clan'. Herein lies the major difference. Courtesy recognition from the Chief Herald entitles a person to be known as 'The X, Chief of the Name' and use a noble coronet on their arms. Recognition from Clans of Ireland is recognition purely as 'Chief of the Clan X'." http://clanmcshane.hypermart.net/chiefs.html |
Re: Clan leader's title
From: apteryx-ga on 28 Dec 2003 13:05 PST |
Very nice, markj. "The" as a corruption of "de"? Logical. Wonder if it can be confirmed. I confess I was a little troubled by the leap of logic in aht's response: >Since the leader of the clan was regarded as the "father" of the clan (the word clan itself being from the Gaelic word for "the children"), it made sense to refer to him as "the Bruce" or "the Wallace". I did not see a necessary connection between being regarded as father of a clan and being styled "the." It may be there, but I don't see it. I expect that someone with a deep knowledge of clan history and Celtic languages will know the answers to the first parts without research. As to the third, I thought a student of comparative cultures or linguistics might know. Apteryx |
Re: Clan leader's title
From: apteryx-ga on 28 Dec 2003 13:07 PST |
Pinkfreud, you're hot on the trail again! I'm sure there's a connection between the Irish and the Scottish usages. Thanks for the interesting links. We're not quite there yet, but this takes us closer. Apteryx |
Re: Clan leader's title
From: pinkfreud-ga on 28 Dec 2003 13:18 PST |
"Whilst a number of them [Highland chiefs] have latterly preferred to reduplicate the patronymic, e.g. Macleod of Macleod, yet the ancient practice was for all chiefs to use the form 'of that ilk,' which is the more characteristically Scottish form of title, and Lamont of that Ilk was officially recognised under that title in 1909. In the fourteenth century, chiefs of Lowland families, and principally those of Norman origin, for a time distinguished themselves as 'Le Graham,' 'Le Lindsay,' 'The Bruce,' and this was carried to the Highlands by 'The Chisholm' 'The MacNab,' and usefully denote a chief. In full description the title 'of that ilk'--so characteristically Scottish--is almost invariably the form used, whether by Highland or Lowland chiefs, until the nineteenth century." http://groups.yahoo.com/group/fenechas/message/464?source=1 |
Re: Clan leader's title
From: apteryx-ga on 28 Dec 2003 20:26 PST |
Well, I'd say the first of the three parts is answered, and the second partially answered. Thanks, Pink. I also like the explanation of "of that ilk." Apteryx |
Re: Clan leader's title
From: pinkfreud-ga on 29 Dec 2003 12:40 PST |
I haven't found evidence that any groups other than the Scots, the Irish, and the Normans have commonly used the prefix "The" to designate a chief or leader. Robert the Bruce's name, in Norman form, was "Robert de Brus," and the use of "de" or "le" in this manner was apparently commonplace among the Normans: "The name of Ross, as applied to the Earls, appears as in the Norman form of de Ros in papers around the time of Robert de Brus. Normanized documents don't aid in clarifying matters, but some documents of the period also refer to William the Ross in the same fashion as King Robert I was called the Bruce." http://www.greatclanross.org/htext8~Q5.html |
Re: Clan leader's title
From: pinkfreud-ga on 29 Dec 2003 17:38 PST |
Apteryx, I can't take credit for this batch. My good friend and colleague leli-ga sent me a message with this useful and interesting material: === Some Highland chiefs have the definite article (an or am or a') before their name, but it varies from clan to clan. http://www.gaelicscottish.com/docs/smenu/chiefsandfamilies.htm The -ach ending may indicate a genitive, but not always. Some clans don't seem to have ever used the definite article style of title. "It has been customary to refer to the Chief of the Frasers as MacShimidh [son of Simon] throughout Fraser history." http://www.fraserclan-cal.net/calfraser.html In Gaelic, the chief of the Clan Campbell is known as "MacCailein Mór" meaning "Son of Colin the Great" http://www.ccsna.org/jsep16b.htm === The Lord Lyon and the Lyon Court preside over arms and, to some extent, titles. The Lord Lyon can rule on who is clan chief, though I'm not sure that this is clear-cut from a legal point of view, but he doesn't appear to confer a "The" (though he's big on eagle feathers). "It is in that spirit that, with the revival of clans in recent decades, people in Scotland and abroad have naturally turned to Lyon as an arbiter, since, indeed, no more proper person could be found." http://www.heraldica.org/topics/britain/lordlyon.htm "After establishing his identity as ?Urquhart of Braelangwell?, he was recognised by the Lord Lyon as Chief of the Name and Head of Clan Urquhart in 1959 " http://www.electricscotland.com/burkes/urquhart.htm " in 1957 the Lyon Court was petitioned by Ronald Steuart Menzies (a branch of the Culdares family of Menzies) and he was awarded the name and arms of Menzies of that Ilk (clan chief)." http://www.rampantscotland.com/visit/blvisitmenzies.htm === The Irish have apparently "copied" the Scottish use of the definite article in clan chief titles. Burke's Peerage: "Probably in imitation of Scottish practice, the custom grew of affixing the definite article before the names of Irish Chiefs" http://www.burkes-scotland.com/sites/common/ejournals/at0202-4.asp Ireland seems to be trying to regulate this usage, unlike Scotland. |
Re: Clan leader's title
From: apteryx-ga on 29 Dec 2003 20:33 PST |
Very fine work, Pink. I'd like you to claim the answer for this one. I do thank aht-ga and markj-ga for their helpful contributions, but you sank the ball. Apteryx |
Re: Clan leader's title
From: pinkfreud-ga on 30 Dec 2003 20:49 PST |
Apteryx, Many thanx for the great question, the five stars, and the nice tip! I am insatiably curious about one thing: You have said "I picked $3.67 because inside my head it is the same colors as a Royal Stewart tartan; now I'll choose a number that is the color of a Black Watch plaid [$4.82]." Does the $3.94 tip represent the rather dour MacKay tartan? Although I experience a variety of synesthesias, I am a dummy at Tartan Math. ;-) ~Pink |
Re: Clan leader's title
From: apteryx-ga on 30 Dec 2003 23:03 PST |
Pink, Naw. That's a number as close as I could get to purple in more than one digit (purple surrounded by red and blue), with the red in the dominant initial position. The sample I chose looked very magenta, at least on my screen. The regular Mackay tartan (not the grim dark one but the more modern one) looks to me like a very nice blue mixture that would have cost me $4.76. What do *you* do for a pink plaidie? Apteryx |
Re: Clan leader's title
From: pinkfreud-ga on 31 Dec 2003 14:47 PST |
>> What do *you* do for a pink plaidie? I have distant ties to Clan Wallace. I could always get some Wallace tartan and soak it in Clorox. :-D http://www.mortalwombat.com/Special/clan_pink.jpg |
Re: Clan leader's title
From: apteryx-ga on 31 Dec 2003 20:16 PST |
Very resourceful, Pink. I bet you'd surprise the ghillies off the Wallaces if you showed up at the ceilidh in that! |
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