Niner_N9 --
There are a number of options for licensing photographs, including the
Associated Press, which at one time serviced only newspapers and
broadcast media. However, AP has set up a digital products group,
recognizing that many people are seeking content for websites:
Associated Press
Digital Products & Services (Home page, 2003)
There are at least three other companies that provide news photos,
historical photos and -- in some cases -- digital versions of artwork.
The first established in 1989 was Corbis, which is owned by Bill
Gates, chairman of Microsoft:
Corbis Home Page
Corbis works with Reuters, Betteman, Sygma, Saba and others to provide photos.
A major competitor of Corbis is Getty Images, which works with
Time-Life and Agence France-Presse to provide news photos:
Getty Images Home Page
Though it really doesn't have a strong a news offering, Alamy has a
wide catalog of images:
Alamy Home Page
If you're aware of one or more of the digital photo suppliers, a good
Google search strategy is to search for the company (like Corbis),
then click the "Similar Pages" link.
Other search terms:
"Associated Press"
Best regards,
Omnivorous-GA |