Hello fie-ga!
I located a number of products that will eliminate The Zoysia grass
that is growing in your cemetery plot; Round-up and MSMA.
Walter Reeves is a TV and radio gardening show host answers a question
about getting rid of zoysia
?Q: I have a problem with zoysia grass creeping into my asphalt
driveway and ruining it. How do I get rid of the zoysia??
?A: ?One option is to spray the zoysia along the driveway with
glyphosate (Roundup, etc.) each month. Another is to use a soil
sterilant -- but be extra careful. Products containing prometon,
imazapyr or oxyfluorfen prevent any plant from growing in soil for
several months. Soil sterilants cannot be used where they might
contact roots of nearby ornamental plants.?
The Atlantic Journal Constitution
According to Deb Brown, Extension Horticulturist, Round-up will get
rid of Zoysia Grass.
?The common question we get on the Yard & Garden Line is, "What is
this strange grass, and how do we get rid of it, since it looks so
bad?" The answer? Glyphosate applied directly to the green, growing
zoysia. (Glyphosate is the active ingredient in Monsanto Roundup.) The
best answer, of course, is not to plant zoysia in the first place.
Zoysia is simply a poor choice for Minnesota lawns.?
Turfgrass Forums recommends Round-up for getting rid of Zoysia Grass also.
Eliminating Zoysia grass
?How early in the growing season should you begin applying Roundup to
rid this grass? How much time between applications and how long before
planting new??
?Most of your question should be answered on the label for Round-up.
As a suggestion, use a 3% solution and make at least two application
about two weeks a part. If you can see any green at all down in the
canopy, you may need more applications. You must wait until the grass
is actively growing for this herbicide to work. Wait several weeks
after your lawn has borken winter dormancy to make your first
Turfgrass Forums
?Zoysia is definitely not a good choice for northern climates. Wait
until it's absolutely warm and green and growing, make sure it's
watered well and then use a professional strength roundup at the rate
of 2.5 oz. per gallon on the hand or backpack sprayer rate. It has to
be hot and wet and growing to kill it since it's a warm season grass.
The problem is that you're not spraying it at the right time under the
right conditions with the right product. Spray it at the correct time
and I guarantee you it won't be back.?
Turfgrass Forums
Fast acting with foam
Results in 24 hours
Use around fences, trees, driveways & flower beds
Price: $ 8.57 http://www.builderdepot.com/browse.ihtml?pid=138590&step=5&prodstoreid=2115
Froogle provides a number of locations to purchase the Round-up product.
?Zoysia is vulnerable to MSMA, you can get it from Lesco. Check the
label and treat accordingly. This after three to four sprays should
take out the zoysia. I?ve used it on dallis grass in bermuda lawns. In
doing so I?ve sprayed fescue (hoping to kill it), it never did. At the
same time we can't use MSMA in zoysia because too much will kill the
Turf Grass Forum
Froogle provides a number of locations for the purchase of MSMA
Other products:
Grass-B-Gon Grass Killer
BURNOUT: All Natural Weed & Grass Killer
Search Criteria:
Eliminating Zoysia grass
Getting rid of Zoysia grass
Get rid of Zoysia
Eliminate Zoysia
I hope you find this helpful! If anything is unclear with my answer,
please ask for clarification.
Best regards,
Bobbie7 |