Okay here's the thing. I've got a web page I'm trying to edit (a
MovableType template, incidentally, but that's not really relevant).
The page is HTML, of course, but relies heavily on CSS for its design
and positioning.
Regardless of I open it in FrontPage 2003, DreamWeaver MX, or GoLive
CS, it displays the WYSIWYG view without all the CSS elements. The web
page looks like plain-text back in the old days of web pages -- H2 is
a big bold Times New Roman, even though the CSS says it should be
something totally different.
I'm hoping you can point me in the direction of Windows-based WYSIWYG
HTML editors which let you edit the web page in WYSIWYG mode (not HTML
code) but that renders the edited page with all design/positioning the
CSS sets up. |
Clarification of Question by
02 Jan 2004 11:17 PST
Hi JackBurton -- seems like this requires a server-side install? I'm
trying it now, but I'm unclear on how to, er, make it work. ;-) I
was hoping to find a WIndows APP to do this, but perhaps if you have
knowledge of how I make this run and open web pages on my server, it
might work...