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Q: Antique religious texts ( Answered 5 out of 5 stars,   1 Comment )
Subject: Antique religious texts
Category: Reference, Education and News
Asked by: pdgiven-ga
List Price: $100.00
Posted: 02 Jan 2004 20:03 PST
Expires: 01 Feb 2004 20:03 PST
Question ID: 292584
I wish to gauge the market value of some antique religious texts.  How
can I approach this type of research?

Request for Question Clarification by journalist-ga on 02 Jan 2004 20:38 PST
Greetings Pdgiven:

There are many, many things to consider regarding antique religious
texts (or any books or papers of antiquity).  For instance:

Are they handwritten or machine printed?
Are they illuminated texts?  
Are they loose papers or bound?  
Have you sought verification of age?
Do you have any documentation as to age?
Do you wish to sell these texts or keep them in an insured collection?
Are they occult based or spiritually based? (Rare/antique religious
texts concerning witchcraft or demonology are exceptionally valuable.)
What condition are they in?
have you graded them?  

I realize that that I've asked you many questions but they are all
pertinent to discovering the accepted worth of your texts.  If they
are antique bibles, then a Gutenburg bible would be worth millions:

"Gutenberg's Bible revolutionized printing in Western civilization.
Printed in Mainz, Germany, in the 1450s, the books were the first
major Western book printed from movable type.  According to the Ransom
Center, only about 200 were produced and only 48 copies exist today,
each one of them unique since local artisans were hired to illuminate
the letters opening each book.  The Ransom Center acquired its
two-volume copy, which includes some illuminations in gold leaf, in
1978. Oram estimated the copy, which is 1,268 pages in two volumes, is
worth up to $20 million."

So, if you have a Gutenberg bible, get thee to a safe deposit box!  ;)

Old bibles, in general, are worth whatever a person is willing to pay
for them.  Some may be worth more if there are family names written in
the bible.  The descendants of the family may want to purchase
something like this.

You offer a handsome fee for an answer but your question is very
general and I hope you will respond with clarifications so that more
insight may be forthcoming for your answer.

Best regards,

Request for Question Clarification by pinkfreud-ga on 02 Jan 2004 21:21 PST
I worked for several years in a used book store, and have a good
acquaintance with the old and rare books business. I'd be glad to
provide some general pointers on how to evaluate the value of your
books if that would be of use.

As journalist has noted above, your question is very broad, as
phrased. It would be very helpful if you could offer more details
regarding the kind of information you'd like us to provide.

Clarification of Question by pdgiven-ga on 03 Jan 2004 04:50 PST
The version of 'The Genius of Christianity' I refer to is bound in an
embossed cover with gilt inlays; the outer edges of the pages are also
gilded; there are also several plate illustrations including one of
Chateaubriand at the beginning; the translation is by Charles I.
White,l D.D.. I agree that this is obviously an English translation,
however, I believe it to be a 1st edition of the English translation. 
Inside the book there is an old newspaper clipping of a ship's
passenger list - dated 1857 - and I presume the original owners of the
text are listed therein.  There is also an annotation in pencil at the
top lefthand corner of one of the inside front pages which looks

C  R (could be F) g


Request for Question Clarification by hummer-ga on 03 Jan 2004 06:57 PST
Hi pdgiven,

It would be helpful to know ...

1) Your location

2) The purpose of your enquiry, official or unofficial. For example,
do you want to know their value to settle an estate, for insurance
purposes, market value for selling, or you're just curious?

Thanks, hummer

Request for Question Clarification by pinkfreud-ga on 03 Jan 2004 08:35 PST

The clarification you've posted above seems to belong to your other question:

You may want to repost it there.

Clarification of Question by pdgiven-ga on 03 Jan 2004 12:57 PST
My location is Northern Ireland.  My father was a plaster moulder and
somtimes was given gifts from old houses where he would carry out
repairs to cornices etc.  He passed the books on to me when he died in
1986.  He was not a man of letters in the standard academic sense but
had an avid, almost pious approach to all books.  Some of this must
have rubbed off on me!  In any event I am a College Lecturer in Media
& Philosophy working on a doctoral thesis at the moment.
This query has very little to do with any of the above however! I am
just naturally inquisitive - there is no insurance claim or any other
such formality pertaining to the query.  I'm nosey!!!!

Request for Question Clarification by umiat-ga on 03 Jan 2004 17:56 PST
Hello, pgdiven!

 Your original question asked about "how to research the value of some
 antique religious texts. I am assuming you are still seeking an
answer concerning "how to research this subject" as opposed to the
potential value of a specific text (which was the subject of another
 If you would like to clarify this question further with some
additional names and authors, please feel free to do so. Otherwise, I
will concentrate on your original question as asked, which concerns
how to approach researching the market value of antique books.

Subject: Re: Antique religious texts
Answered By: umiat-ga on 04 Jan 2004 01:13 PST
Rated:5 out of 5 stars
Hello, pdgiven-ga!

 You have asked how to initiate a method of researching the market
value of antique religious texts that were passed down to you by your
father. Old books are extremely interesting no matter what their
subject matter! We have many books in our family dating back to the
1700's and 1800's, and I used to love looking through them during my

 As other researchers have already pointed out, the value of old books
varies according to subject matter, condition, the inclusion of
personal annotations or pictures and, most importantly, desirability
by collectors, whether as a group or by one individual.

 You have only mentioned the name of one book in your collection and
information pertaining to the potential value was answered in another
question you posted. I assume you would like to research the possible
value of the other books your father passed on to you on your own,
since you have not mentioned any further titles. However, if you have
any interest in posting the titles, authors and the dates of
publication, I will be happy to see what I can uncover in terms of
current market value.


The following article excerpts provide a very general overview
concerning aspects of rare and antique book appraisal, pricing and

Factors that Contribute to the Pricing of Antique and Rare Books

"Rare Theology Books"

"Rare theology books include Bibles, songbooks (hymnals and psalters),
prayer books, books about the development or tenets of specific
religions, and even books comparing religions."....."Several factors
go into establishing the value of rare theological works. Such
attributes as age, condition, rarity, provenence, and edition all
enter into the mix, as does the market factor. How many buyers are
currently looking for a specific book?"

"Finding the exact types of books you want is much easier now that
many rare book dealers have established a presence online. With
hundreds of sites to choose from, you can browse for hours, compare
prices, and gain information about how and what to buy with
confidence. The process is fairly simple and far less time consuming
than it used to be before the advent of the Internet store."

"There are some things you should look for in a rare book dealer, and
knowing how to determine the quality of the dealer can really help you
to decide what to buy. First, you should look for a dealer with
significant experience. It takes years to become an expert in any
field relating to antiquities, so longevity is one key. Another is the
quality of the website and how responsive the dealer is to your
questions and concerns. You should also look at the dealer's inventory
photos and prices and then compare the cost of similar books at other
sites. The more you know about a specific dealer, the better you will
be able to trust your decision."

"Antique Book Price"

"Where can you find a listing of current prices for antique books? Who
decides what to charge for antique books, and are the prices ever
negotiable? If you've never looked at the antique book market before,
you'll want to understand these concepts before you buy."

"The answers to the above questions are a lot simpler than you might
think. First of all, if you go on the Internet and get some ideas
about what is being charged for the types of books you're interested
in, it will help you to realize that, if you believe a book is worth
what you are paying for it, you are getting it at a good price."

"Unfortunately, there is no comprehensive, up-to-date, universal price
list available. This is because prices are constantly changing. A book
may gain significantly in value within hours, or it may lose some of
its value because someone found a dozen copies no one knew about.

"The answer to the last question is that individuals decide what to
charge for antique books. Reputable online or local vendors certainly
have a good idea of the fair market value of the books they offer, but
they always have the option to go higher if they think they can get
more or lower if they want to sell the book. Antique book prices are
often negotiable, however, and it never hurts to offer less than the
vendor is asking."

"Rare Christian Books"

"Today you can find just about anything you're looking for on the
Internet. Rare Christian books are no exception. The difficult part is
finding a website that understands the value of these books and is
able to acquire them for prospective buyers. The first thing you need
to know is what exactly is a rare Christian book?"

"Most people know that certain editions of the Bible are so rare as to
be priceless. It's their rarity and age, as well as their religious
significance, that makes them so important to so many people. There
are, however, many other Christian books that have come to be
considered as rare and valuable. These books are often connected to
specific events in Christian history or to the early development of
particular movement. They may also be written by great Christian
leaders. They might even be prayer books or song books."

"The same criteria that apply to finding a rare book dealer for any
type of book, map, or document apply to finding a dealer with
expertise in finding rare religious books. It's extremely important to
look for a dealer with the appropriate experience. You can locate a
reputable dealer with the credentials you need on the Internet. Often
such dealers have one or more stores that employ a number of experts."

Read "Rare Book Appraisal"

Also read "Book Values - or, How Can I Tell How Much A Book Is Worth?"
by D. J. McAdam.

"First off, it's important to understand that a used or rare book,
like any other collectible, is worth precisely what someone else is
willing to pay for it at a particular point in time.  Value is a
personal, and constantly changing, concept.  The same is true in the
art world, and actually rare books are a part of the art world.  There
is no one official catalogue of used and rare books, and while such an
immense undertaking might at last be plausible with the advent of
computer databases, I would not foresee that even that would be

Read more for some possible resources you might use...


The following online guides also provide useful information.

"Your Old Books." (A Good Question and Answer Site)

"This guide covers some frequently asked questions about rare books
and book values. The answers are meant only as general responses to
these questions, and the many possible exceptions are not described.
No attempt has been made to identify or to evaluate individual books."

Read more....


"How Much Is My Old Book Worth?" Enoch Pratt Free Library


Reference Guides - Online and Offline

"American Book Prices Current" (might be available in a large library)

"American Book Prices Current is an annual record of books,
manuscripts, autographs, maps and broadsides sold at auction.
Countries covered include North America and the UK, with sales from
such other countries as Switzerland, Germany, Monaco, Holland,
Australia and many other places. It is the standard tool used by
dealers, appraisers, auction houses, scholars and tax authorities. Now
in its 108th year, ABPC is available in book or CD-ROM form."

(Unfortunately, the CD-Rom and the book are well over $1,000! Annual
book volume prices are more realistic but not as comprehensive)

Read the History of "American Book Prices Current 1895-1995":

As noted in the comment on your other question, you can search Alibris
for current asking prices of old books.


A search for 'The Genius of Christianity' brought up the following two
finds and current asking price.


A search for the "Genius of Christianity" also brought up several hits
from various booksellers.

Antiquarian Bookseller's Association - the home of

"The Antiquarian Booksellers Association (International) - The ABA is
the senior trade body for dealers in rare and fine books, manuscripts
and allied materials in the British Isles and elsewhere."

"The Association holds a small but select number of book fairs each
year. There is a major International Fair in June at Olympia which
remains one of the most prestigious fairs in the world. In the autumn
there is the Chelsea Fair in London?s King?s Road, one of the
friendliest and most popular fairs in the trade calendar, and fairs
are also held in Edinburgh every two years, in the spring."


Although these booksellers may not be focused on theological antique
texts, they may be able to offer an appraisal or point you to a local

De Burca Rare Books
27 Priory Drive
(Member of ABA)
P: Eamonn de Burca
Tel. (01) 288 21 59
Fax (01) 283 40 80

Emerald Isle Books Ltd.
539 Antrim Road
BELFAST, Northern Ireland, BT15 3BU
(Member of ABA)
P: Mr J. A. Gamble
Tel. (02890) 37 07 98
Fax (02890) 77 72 88

James Fenning ABA, Antiquarian Booksellers
12 Glenview, Rochestown Avenue
Dun Laoghaire, Dublin
(Member of ABA)
P: Jim Fenning
P: Chris Fenning
Tel. (+353 1) 2857 855
Fax (+353 1) 2857 919

Kennys Book Export Company
Kilkerrin Park, 
Liosban, Tuam Road
(Member of ABA)
P: Conor Kenny
Tel. +353 91 709350
Fax +353 91 709351
Kennys Bookshop and Art Galleries
High Street
(Member of ABA)
Tel. 353 91 534 760
Fax 353 91 568 544


John Hart
Salt Barn 
Bard Hill
Salthouse, Holt, Norfolk NR25 7XB
P: John Hart
Tel. 01263 741380
Fax 01263 741700
18th and 19th Century English Literature - general Antiquarian.


 I hope I have provided a good starting point to help you intiate
research on your own. If I can provide further clarification, please
don't hesitate to ask and I will do my best to help!



Google Search Strategy
antique books AND market value
+appraising "antique books"
how to value antique books
pdgiven-ga rated this answer:5 out of 5 stars and gave an additional tip of: $10.00
This was a comprehensive, coherent and methodical outline to
approaching the researching of old book values.  I was, quite simply,
astounded at the detail included and the logically suggested

Subject: Re: Antique religious texts
From: umiat-ga on 04 Jan 2004 07:43 PST

 Thank you for your very kind comment and generous tip. I am happy I could help!


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