Hi there,
The description that appears in search results is automatically
generated and can come from a number of sources (text on the page,
meta decription tag, image alt tags, links pointing to the page). In
your case the following applies:
If your search query is listed in the web directory, the description
filed by the open directory author is displayed."
The description appears in Google Directory:
Google Directory sources its information from Open Directory - the
category with your listing is here:
Business: Investing: Real Estate: Foreclosures
Open Directory listings are either submitted by someone or added by
the category editor. When you submit a site, there is a place in the
form for a description. However, there are very strict guidelines
concerning the wording to be used - basically it needs to be a dull,
accurate description of what the site contains. Most of the time the
editor rewrites the submitted description. You'll notice that the
other listings are quite similar to yours in tone.
You can suggest a new description if it is no longer accurate, but
otherwise I do not recommend doing so:
If you were to ask for an updated description that had a bit more zing
to it, you run the risk of having your listing removed. Open Directory
editors are unpaid volunteers, usually with a heavy workload, and they
tend not to tolerate attempts to bypass protocol lightly.
Despite the dull wording, being shown to be listed in the Directory is
an indication of quality to searchers, and the listing greatly helps
your site's PageRank, it is as valuable as a listing in Yahoo's
Best wishes,
robertskelton-ga |