About 6 months ago, I purchased the Philips/Magnavox Universal
Learning Remote control, to replace the remotes for my TV, VCR, DVD,
TiVo, and Cable Box. I just tried today to add a new functionality to
the remote, but couldn't find the manual. I also cannot find the
manual online anywhere.
I need to know the correct sequence of keys to press both on the
Learning Remote and on the original remote to have the Learning Remote
'learn' new abilities from the original remote.
Thank you,
Paul Lalli |
Request for Question Clarification by
04 Jan 2004 21:09 PST
I have a Philips Magnavox Universal Learning Remote that controls five
devices. I also have one that controls seven devices. They are both
programmed in the same way. I can describe for you the procedure that
my remotes use to learn commands from an original remote, but I cannot
guarantee that this procedure will work with your 8-device unit.
If this information would be satisfactory as an answer, please let me know.
Clarification of Question by
05 Jan 2004 04:33 PST
Well, I have no way of knowing if the procedure is the same for the
two devices. If you posted the procedure for your 7device remote, and
it works on my 8device remote, I'd certainly accept that as a valid
Request for Question Clarification by
05 Jan 2004 13:23 PST
I've made a scan of the portion of my Philips Magnavox Universal
Learning Remote manual that deals with learning commands. Since these
instructions work with both my 5-device unit and my 7-device unit,
it's quite possible that they will help you to program your 8-device
remote. Worth a try, anyhow.
Here you'll find a JPEG of the material (it's large, so you'll
probably need to scroll around to read all of it):
Elsewhere in the manual, it is mentioned that the two remotes should
be head-to-head and approximately one inch from each other during the
code learning procedure, and you should perform the procedure while
you're at least three feet away from incandescent or low-energy light
Make sure you have fresh batteries in both the source remote and the
Philips/Magnavox -- once I tried to acquire programming information
from a remote with old batteries in it, and the results were very
Please let me know if this helps!
Best regards,
Clarification of Question by
05 Jan 2004 15:15 PST
Yup, that did it. If you'll post the comments as an answer, I'll be
happy to mark this Answered.
Thank you very much!