<Law suits filed against AA and other 12-step programs.
Stanton Peele reports on G. Douglas Talbott an advocate of the 12-step
approach. At least 30 people who have been through his treatment
program have committed suicide. In 1987, a jury awarded $1.3 million
to the widow of one of the deceased physicians against Ridgeview and
Dr. James W. Blevins, a staff psychiatrist, although a Superior Court
judge later set aside the verdict (Ricks, 1987). Other suits initiated
on behalf of the suicides were settled out of court (Durcanin, 1987).
1999 - Doctor misdiagnosed as an alcoholic and held against his will
for four months awarded $1.3 million. Douglas Talbott was medical
Baldwin Research Inc and the Hagaman Guest House.
$20,000,000 law suit against Alcoholics Anonymous World Services.
According to this site, they started a ?Treatment doesn?t Work?
advertising campaign. The company and program name were Tri-Key Group
Inc and the Tri-Key Program respectively. The defamation and
McCarthyism was so devastating that the name of the company was
changed to Baldwin as a means to survive. They say AA has been
stalling the case for two years. Baldwin allege that AA colluded with
the New York State Office of Alcoholism and Substance Abuse to put
them out of business. Part of the evidence against AA is the alleged
bullying of a 78 year old man who ended up in a mental ward with a
nervous breakdown who later died. They claim to have evidence that AA
uses government agencies to obstruct and crush competitors. In Mexico
a competing company?s president was jailed.
1986 ? Bergen County prosecutor is looking into allegations of
physical abuse and unlawful restraint of teen-agers at KIDS of Bergen
County, a substance-abuse program in River Edge. The program was based
on the 12-steps. Miller Newton, the founder and director of the
program has had several suits filed against him. All were settled out
of court.
In 1990 a jury in Florida ordered Straight to pay Karen Norton $721,000 for abuse.
In 2000 Reverend Doctor Miller Newton, Straight's former national
clinical director, and his psychiatric staff, settled out of court
with a female client for $4.5 million for abuses she claimed she
sustained at his Straight-like program called KIDS in New Jersey. Many
former clients have committed suicide.
In Viginia, Straight lost a $220,000 suit in federal court for holding
a man prisoner against his will.
1983 ? details of various suits filed against Straight.
Details of the case settled for $4.5 million.
<Additional links:>
<UK - Vulnerable alcoholics seeking help for their addiction are being
subjected to sexual and other abuse at the hands of long-serving
volunteers from the world's largest alcohol support group. An internal
memorandum circulated to every Alcoholics Anonymous group in the
country reveals that volunteer members are increasingly being
investigated by police forces examining allegations of sexual abuse.>
<Domain name dispute.>
<German law suit - copyright dispute.>
<Employment dispute ? case dismissed.>
<Search strategy:>
<against alcoholics anonymous">
<"12 step" "treatment program" "settled out of court">
<"alcoholics anonymous" allegations>
<Hope this helps.> |