Hello, tibiaron,
Following are some nice links which you can print out.
Etymology and History : The Origin of the Names of the Days of the Week:
Sunday: Sun:
Monday: Moon:
Tuesday: Tiw (God of War):
Wednesday: Woden (God of Wisdom):
Thursday: Thor (God of Thunder):
Friday: Frigga (Goddess of Married Love):
Satuday: Saturn:
What Is the Origin of the 7-Day Week?
"Digging into the history of the 7-day week is a very complicated
matter. Authorities have very different opinions about the history of
the week, and they frequently present their speculations as if they
were indisputable facts. The only thing we seem to know for certain
about the origin of the 7-day week is that we know nothing for
"The common explanation is that the seven-day week was established as
imperial calendar in the late Roman empire and furthered by the
Christian church for historical reasons. The British Empire used the
seven-day week and spread it worldwide. Today the seven-day week is
enforced by global business and media schedules, especially television
and banking."
What Do the Names of the Days of the Week Mean?
"An answer to this question is necessarily closely linked to the
language in question. Whereas most languages use the same names for
the months (with a few Slavonic languages as notable exceptions),
there is great variety in names that various languages use for the
days of the week. A few examples will be given here."
"Most Latin-based languages connect each day of the week with one of
the seven "planets" of the ancient times: Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus,
Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn. French, for example, uses:
English - French - "Planet"
Monday lundi Moon
Tuesday mardi Mars
Wednesday mercredi Mercury
Thursday jeudi Jupiter
Friday vendredi Venus
Saturday samedi Saturn
Sunday dimanche (Sun)
"English has retained the original planets in the names for Saturday,
Sunday, and Monday. For the four other days, however, the names of
Anglo-Saxon or Nordic gods have replaced the Roman gods that gave name
to the planets. Thus, Tuesday is named after Tiw, Wednesday is named
after Woden, Thursday is named after Thor, and Friday is named after
Various weekday connotations and origins:
Thank you for the enjoyable question. If you have any questions,
please post a clarification request before closing/rating my answer.
Thank you,
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