Return Rates on ACH and NSF fees for Merchants
Category: Business and Money Asked by: jlb0001-ga List Price: $15.00 |
05 Jan 2004 20:22 PST
Expires: 04 Feb 2004 20:22 PST Question ID: 293533 |
I need to obtain a good baseline for what banks charge merchants (not consumers) for returned ACH transactions. For traditional checks, returned checks can cost a merchant $5 to $25 (roughly). However, I need to determine what a merchant is charged for returned ACH transactions. NOTE: This charge will likely vary depending on the bank ... so I really need a small, unscientific survey or a reference to where this is emphatically anwered by a trusted source like GreenSheet.com, NACHA.org, etc. For a bonus, if you come across information regarding return rates on ACH (i.e., percentage of time that ACH transactions fail for NSF, closed account, or other reason), I will reward you accordingly. |
Re: Return Rates on ACH and NSF fees for Merchants
Answered By: belindalevez-ga on 06 Jan 2004 05:12 PST Rated: |
<ACH. I found a range of charges for ACH from some banks offering free deposits up to $0.35 per item. Fees for returns varied from as low as $2.00 to as high as $15. First Community Bank had the lowest returns fee at $2.00 it also has a low charge for ACH at $0.05. http://www.fsbnm.com/business/business-fee-schedule.html Return rate. A study carried out in 2000 found that the return rate for ACH is 1.3% on over half a million transactions. The most common reason was NSF ? 0.69%. Second was administrative errors. Unauthorized transactions accounted for 0.07% http://www.visionshape.com/ach_article.html This study found a return rate of 1% on 9200 transactions. ------------------------------------------------------ Fees charged by banks. First Community Bank. ACH - $0.05 per item Returns - $2.00 http://www.fsbnm.com/business/business-fee-schedule.html First Federal Bank ACH - $0.35 Return item - $5 plus sales tax. http://www.firstfederalbank.com/InternetBanking/fees.cfm http://www.scbusa.com/business/biz_checking.shtml First Federal Savings Bank $10 monthly service fee, $0.20 for each deposit. $6 for returns. http://www.ffsbky.com/site/business.html Sacramento Commercial Bank ACH - $0.10 per item. Return - $5 http://www.scbusa.com/business/biz_schedule.shtml http://www.scbusa.com/business/biz_checking.shtml Mid Wisconsin Investment Center. ACH fees - Per file, up to 100 items - $15, additional $5 per each additional 100 items on the file. Return fees - $15 per item. http://www.midwisc.com/BBChkFees.htm National Interbank Banking Center ACH transactions free Return items - $15 http://www.nationalinterbank.com/nib/business_products/fees.asp ACH - $0.10 per item http://www.lafayettesavingsbank.com/busfees.htm Nexity bank ACH returned - $5.00 http://www.nexitybank.com/info/fees.asp Progressive Ozark Bank - $5.00 http://www.progressiveozarkbank.com/rates.htm ACH returned item - $10 http://www.aagsystems.com/ezbcosts.htm> <Additional links:> ACH helps customer retention. Metropolitan life has 50% fewer policy cancellations amongst its ACH customers. http://www.platinumn.com/achpayment.html Benefits of ACH http://www.sfe.org/ach_benefits.html <Search strategy:> <"ach" "business checking" fees return> <://www.google.com/search?q=%22ach%22++%22business+checking%22+fees+return&hl=en&lr=&ie=UTF-8&start=10&sa=N> <"ach" "business checking" fees "per item"> <://www.google.com/search?hl=en&lr=&ie=ISO-8859-1&q=%22ach%22++%22business+checking%22+fees+%22per+item%22> <"ach" business fees "per item"> <://www.google.com/search?q=%22ach%22++business+fees+%22per+item%22&hl=en&lr=&ie=UTF-8&start=20&sa=N> <ach benefits "return rate"> <://www.google.com/search?hl=en&lr=&ie=ISO-8859-1&q=+ach+benefits+%22return+rate%22> <Hope this helps.> |
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