Hi! Thanks for a very interesting question.
I will present here some articles discussing the demographics of those
who get tattoos and also some interesting and unusual facts. I will
cite some figures here but the articles themselves contain more
interesting numbers.
The Tattoo Market:
? Tattoos ? so common that 10 percent of Americans have one, according
to a study in American Demographics magazine?
?Wearable Art: Over-40 Rebels With a Cause: Tattoos?
Tattoo Demographics:
In a 2002 article, the following figures were taken in a study to
determine the demographics of tattoo customers.
Male ? 8.1%
Female ? 16.6%
By Age:
12- to 13-y-olds 1.9%
14- to 15-y-olds 2.6%
16- to 17-y-olds 6.6%
18- to 19-y-olds 24.0%
20 y or older 30.0%
?Tattoos and body piercings as indicators of adolescent risk-taking
behaviors? (Page8)
?In a study of 1,009 adults reported in American Demographics magazine
last year, of those between 40 and 64 years of age, 9 percent were
?Wearable Art: Over-40 Rebels With a Cause: Tattoos?
White, non-Hispanic 13.8%
Black, non-Hispanic 19.2%
Hispanic 11.8%
Asian or Pacific Islander 12.3%
Other 12.5%
Interesting and Unusual Findings:
Meaning of tattoo
Love/relations 17.2%
Gang affiliation 1.6%
Other meaning 60.9%
No special meaning 20.3%
?Tattoos and body piercings as indicators of adolescent risk-taking
behavior? (Page 8)
Age at first tattoo
less than or equal to 10 y 1.5%
11-13 y 3.1%
14-16 y 24.6%
greater than or equal to 17 y 70.8%
?Tattoos and body piercings as indicators of adolescent risk-taking
behavior? (Page 7)
?While alcohol has often been anecdotally implicated with the act of
tattooing, a study of more than 1,800 tattooed individuals indicates
that only 15% were under the influence of alcohol when they obtained
their tattoo?
?There were 125 individuals who reported having one or more tattoos
when entering military service (28% of the study sample). Twenty-five
of 54 female respondents were tattooed (46%), as were 100 of 390 male
respondents (26%). Women entering the military were almost twice as
likely to have a tattoo than were men?
?Controlling for age and gender, individuals with tattoos were more
likely to smoke (AOR=3.0, 95% CI=1.9?4.7), drink heavily, defined as
five or more drinks in one sitting (AOR=2.0, 95% CI=1.3?3.0), use
smokeless tobacco (AOR=1.8, 95% CI=1.1?3.0), and ride in a vehicle
with someone who had been drinking (AOR=1.5, 95%CI=1.0?2.3) than were
non-tattooed individuals.?
?The data from the study indicate that a significant number of young
people are tattooed. In a population of young, healthy military
subjects, one in four individuals had at least one tattoo. The data
also indicated that the demographics of tattooing also appear to be
changing, in that women were more likely than men to have a tattoo
when entering military service. Finally, tattooing was significantly
associated with tobacco and alcohol use.?
?Behavioral Risks Associated With Tattooing?
Here are more statistics. Although they were taken a few years ago,
they are still quite interesting.
?Canada's Toronto Star reported in September of 1997 that when Beth
Seaton, professor of mass communications at York University conducted
a study of the clientele at one of Toronto's most popular tattoo art
studios, she found that 80% of the customers were ?upper middle-class
white suburban females.??
?The daily Bismarck Tribune of North Dakota in November, 1997, took a
closer look at the clientele patronizing tattoo art studios in and
around Hazen, a middle-class suburb of Bismarck. Tribune reporter
Lauren Donovan reported that the 30-40-year-old age group of "Soccer
Moms" is the fastest growing demographic of the local tattoo market.?
?In 1997, when it conducted a preseason survey of all 29 NBA teams,
the Associated Press reported that 35.1% of all NBA players had
tattoos. [19] Professional sports observers estimate that similar
percentages of America's national league football, hockey and baseball
players also have tattoos.?
?The Changing Cultural Status of Tattoo Art: A Report?
?Tattooing is the country?s sixth-fastest-growing retail business and
more than one new tattoo studio opens every day, according to U.S.
News & World Report.?
?A study conducted by the University of North Carolina found that 15
to 25 million Americans have tattoos.?
?Trend or taboo??
Search strategy used:
tattoo demographics study
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