Hi grthumongous,
"Can a website capture and determine your email address(s) just by one
visiting their site?"
Good question and the short answer is "no". The closest webstats come
to identifying your personal information is your IP address, and that
is the address of your internet provider, not yours. It is the
responsibility of the ISPs to protect your privacy and they do a good
job of it. That is straightforward enough, however (there's always a
'but' or 'however' to muck things up, right?), if you enter your email
address anywhere on a website, it is possible for it to be "tagged" to
your other less personal information collected via a tracking service.
"Your e-mail address. Normally a user can only be traced back to
their Internet Service Provider. Once e-mail reaches an ISP the
e-mail is routed internally. Often web-based e-mail accounts (such as
Hotmail) display the senders real IP address in the header so a
sender's ISP can often be determined even if they use an 'anonymous'
Privacy Analysis of your Internet Connection:
"Some Information that is collected about you when visiting a web site":
Clickstream Data:
"The clickstreams that we record on behalf of our clients are not
attached to physical or electronic contact information of the people
who are visiting the websites. In other words, there is no information
that connects people to the statistics we are recording. We do not
collect email addresses of surfers. This means that there remains an
essential element of anonymity.
The possible exception to this is the IP (internet protocol) address.
IP addresses, however, are owned by companies and the ISPs who provide
them to their customers. This means that in the great majority of
cases this information cannot be used to locate a specific user,
unless the ISP itself, or company, make that information public.
It is important to keep in mind the possibility that once a person has
entered their email at any point into a site, their email address can
be stored with their clickstream in a process called tagging. This
means that a connection can be made between, for example, login info,
and clickstreams. This possibility would lead to a direct connection
between surfing habits and personal contact information."
Web Filters:
"Your browser keeps a record of which site was just visited, which
empowers the "back" button. The Web sites that you visit can obtain
and record this information. Therefore, if you visit site where
anarchy, AIDS, or atheism are discussed and then proceed to online
shopping sites where you complete order forms, or otherwise divulge
your identity, this tracking could lead to an undesired disclosure of
information about your interests."
"You can block referrers several different ways, including with
filtering software such as The Proxomitron, which is available from
www.extremetech.com/proxomitron. Proxomitron is a proxy server that
runs locally on your machine, filtering inbound and outbound traffic.
If you'd prefer not to have web filtering software installed on you
computer, you can use online web filtering tools such as Anonymizer at
www.anonymizer.com or Rewebber at www.rewebber.de. These sites
redirect your Web traffic through their machines, filtering the
outbound traffic and removing all identifiers, including your IP
address, from your packets."
IE Clean: Browser Management for Microsoft IE Users:
"Maintaining your privacy and preventing tracking of your movements on
the Internet requires a lot more than just a cookie manager. Your
email address is now a valuable asset - to way too many spammers,
marketing researchers and advertisers. Using an IEClean alias will
ensure your real email address won't be the one that's harvested."
IE Clean:
"We STRONGLY advise you to always turn off java, script and ActiveX
for your protection. They are a SERIOUS security risk. Be aware that
some sites depend on using these things and our advice is to forego
any site that requires you to accept potentially unsafe downloaded
programs such as these. No site, no matter how pretty should be
allowed to be so arrogant as to refuse access unless you open up your
system to peril. Microsoft's scripts, "java" and ActiveX are dangerous
as a little research on the internet will show you."
Additional Links:
Firewalls / System Cleaners / Cookie Managers / etc:
I hope I've been able to help. If you have any questions, please post
a clarification request before closing/rating my answer and I'll be
happy to respond.
Thank you,
Google and Groups Search Terms Used:
website statistics "capturing email addresses"
"website statistics" "email addresses" "malicious scripts"
Internet Explorer 6 privacy "email address"
Internet Explorer 6 email addresses of site visitors
"email addresses of site visitors"
"email alias" outlook 2002
"email alias"
tracking statistics
"footprint statistics"
clickstream data
web stats "track email addresses"
"website statistics" email
"website statistics"
isp privacy "email address"
firewalls "hide email address"
can a website know your email address
"website statistics" email addresses
firewalls "hide email address"
statistics websites "hiding email address"
statistics websites "email address" |
Clarification of Answer by
29 Jan 2004 07:19 PST
Hi grthumongous,
Ofcourse anything is possible, but in this case, it is highly
unlikely. I would be more inclined to try and connect the dots. It is
more likely that someone that you have signed up with (a newsgroup?)
has sold your email address or you have registered with someone who is
affiliated with integratedmar.com.
After doing a Whois search, the first thing that comes to mind is,
have you ever registered with Network Solutions?
"Integrated mar.com provides marketing solutions to the Canadian IT channel."
"Try this alternate source integratedmar.com" takes you to:
Have you ever registered with Allstream Corp?
IP Address: (ARIN & RIPE IP search):
Are the emails you are getting from eChannelLine Daily News?
"It is published free of charge by Integrated mar.com, and distributed
to subscribed users."
"To Unsubscribe just follow one of the following five options: call or
email Robert Cohen, president of Integrated mar.com, at 905.763.1200
x26 or rcohen@integratedmar.com; call or email Steve Wexler,
Editor-in-Chief at 416.282.0091 or swexler@integratedmar.com; or
Are the emails you are getting from ConnectIt ENews Daily?
"Produced by Integrated mar.com, one of Canada's leading
e-publishers, ConnectIT is designed to address the key issues facing
Canada's small and medium businesses (SMBs)."
Head Office
Integrated mar.com Corporation
17 Moodie Drive
Richmond Hill, Ontario
L4C 8C9
Phone: 905.763.1200
Fax: 905.886.6216
Toll Free: 800.465.2059
Steve Wexler
Phone: 416.282.0091
Do any of those leads help?