In researching my family tree I have learned that I am likely a
14th-generation descendant of Mary Boleyn, sister of ill-fated wife of
Henry VIII, Anne Boleyn. A theory by genealogist Anthony Hoskins
(Genealogists' Magazine, March 1997) suggests that two of the children
of Mary Boleyn (Henry and Catherine Cary or Carey) were actually
fathered by Henry VIII, as Mary had been the king's mistress prior to
his marriage to Anne and certain circumstantial and historical
evidence seems to support this.
I don't think Henry VIII had any other known line of descendancy which
survived to present times for comparison.
Assuming all of Hoskins' hypothesis to be true and that an actual
sample of Henry VIII's DNA was available for comparison, what if
anything could be shown by comparison with the DNA of myself (female)
or my family members, who are apparently descended from Mary's
daughter Catherine?
Could a connection between Henry VIII and his purported living
descendants (of which there are certainly thousands in the U.S. if
Hoskins' theory is true) be scientifically demonstrated, and if so --
Successful answerer will let me know:
a) Whether a genetic link between myself (or a male relative) could be
shown to a male relative 14 generations earlier, assuming no (other)
surprises in paternity exist between then and now.
b) The DNA theory behind the answer to "a"
Thank-you. |