Churchill's remark referred to Rudolf Hess.
"At the time of his arrival in Scotland, Rudolf Hess was a deputy
leader of the Nazi party. He took part in the Munich uprising in 1923,
and shared imprisonment with Adolf Hitler. It has been reported that
Hitler dictated Mein Kampf to Hess.
In May of 1941, Hess flew solo in a small plane to Britain on a
mysterious peace mission. His arrival prompted Churchill's comment,
'The maggot is in the apple.' Hess asked to meet with the Duke of
Hamilton, but he was essentially kept under wraps, imprisoned, and
eventually received a life sentence at Nuremberg in 1946."
(From "The True Intrepid: Sir William Stephenson and the Unknown
Agents," by Bill MacDonald.)
"Rudolph Hess 1894 - 1987
German Nazi politician. In 1941 he secretly parachuted into Scotland
to negotiate peace with Britain. At the Nuremberg war trials he was
sentenced to life imprisonment in Berlin, where he died.
Winston Churchill 1874-1965 'He is the maggot in the Nazi apple.' Guy
Eden, 'Portrait of Churchill' (1945)"
(From "People on People: The Oxford Dictionary of Biographical
Quotations," by Susan Ratcliffe.)
I located the quotes above by using's new "Search Inside
the Book" feature. I used the keywords "Churchill," "maggot," and
I hope this information is useful. If anything is unclear, please
request clarification; I'll be glad to offer further assistance before
you rate my answer.
Best regards,
pinkfreud |