Thank you for your question regarding the address for Idriss Jazairy.
Dr. Idriss Jazairy is a public figure, currently serving as the
Ambassador to the Unites States for The People's Democratic Republic
of Algeria.
The forum that he spoke at was "International Efforts to Combat
Terrorism", hosted by the Potomac Institute for Policy Studies,
International Center for Terrorism Studies, in Washington, DC.
A copy of this forum can be purchased from C-SPAN at:
If you wish to contact Dr. Jazairy, correspondence for him can be sent
care of the Algerian Embassy in Washington DC:
Embassy of The People s Democratic Republic of Algeria
2137 Wyoming Ave, N.W
Washington, D.C. 20008
Tel: (202) 265-2800
Fax: (202) 667-2174
Dr. Jazairy's public speeches and addresses are usually posted on the
"News & Reports" page of the embassy web site. As this particular
speech only occurred a few days ago, it has not yet been posted. If
you wish to receive a copy of the speech in text form, I advise you to
contact the embassy staff at the above mailing or e-mail address, or
to simply wait for it to be posted. His previous speech given in
November 2003 is the most recent update to the website.
I hope that this information meets your needs.
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