Dear mayerling,
As my Fellow Researcher missy-ga wrote in her comment below, Google is
only an index, alas, no insight in the origins of the information used
by the owners of the websites indexed.
In this case, I have tried to find out from what sources the
information on the Vienna millionnaire Heinrich von Drasche, his
father-in-law, and the purchase of the Freihaus might derive; but I
have not been successful. It is likely that the person who wrote the
chronology of the Freihausviertel has used sources not available to
the general public, like archives or rare printed materials.
However, the author of that timeline and of the website should know
what sources have been used. So I tried to find out who owns and
maintains I finally was able to locate the
organization responsible for the site and its content. It is the
"Community of Interest of Freihausviertel Businessmen"
('Interessengemeinschaft Kaufleute Freihausviertel') in Vienna. Here
is full contact information:
IG Kaufleute Freihausviertel
c/o Hannelore Kaffer
Schleifmuehlgasse 17
1040 Wien
Phone: +43(0)1-5872994
Fax: +43(0)1-5876559
Contact Form:
I hope that the owners of the website will be able to let you know
what sources they took the data for the Freihausviertel timeline from.
However, in case this should prove a dead end, please let me know and
I will ask the editors to remove this answer, so you will not have to
pay for it.
Austrian Domain Registration and Administration Authority
Sysinet Business Directory
I hope this will prove helpful!
Very best regards,
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