"Where do Americans live these days? Here's a breakdown, figured by
the National Multi Housing Council from Census information:
- 57.9 percent in single family houses they own
- 14.8 percent, apartment renters
- 9.9 percent single family home renters
- 7.0 percent renters in two-to-four unit buildings.
- 5.3 percent in multifamily two or more units with owner occupants
- 5.1 percent mobile home owners and renters"
source: Augusta Chronicle, cached by Google:
The same data appears in a pie chart on page 9 of:
"Leadership Ahead of the Curve" published by the National Multi Housing Council
(This document is in PDF format, so the Adobe Acrobat Reader is
required. If you don't have that, visit:
http://www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html )
Based on the data above, if we combine owners and renters, we see that:
67.8 percent of Americans live in single-family homes.
14.8 percent live in rental apartments.
12.3 percent live in condos/townhomes that they own or rent.
5.1 percent live in mobile homes
If you want to estimate population totals based on these percentages,
you could apply them to the current U.S. population of 292 million [
from: http://www.census.gov].
67.8% of 292 million = 198 million living in single family homes
14.8% of 292 million = 43 million living in rental apartments
12.3% of 292 million = 36 million living condos/townhomes
5.1% of 292 million = 15 milllion living in mobile homes
search strategy:
"where do americans live", "single family", apartments
I hope this helps. If anything is unclear, please let me know via the
"request clarification" feature. Thanks. |