Hi! Thanks for the question.
Here is a list of companies offering Windows Dedicated Servers.
1. http://www.inetu.net/ - InetU Managed Servers
Windows 2003 & 2000 Servers -Setup Min/Max: ~$595-$995 Monthly Min/Max: $250-$995
Location: Pennsylvania, USA
2. http://services.superb.net/ded/win.php - Superb Internet
2003 Servers -Setup Min/Max: ~$450-$1445 Monthly Min/Max: $65-$195
Location: Vancouver, Canada
3. http://www.cybercon.com/ - Cybercon
Windows 2003 Servers -Setup Min/Max: ~$480 - $480 Monthly Min/Max: $299-$599
Location: Missouri, USA
4. http://www.alentus.com/ - Alentus
Windows 2003 Servers -Setup Min/Max: ~$30 - $30 Monthly Min/Max: $24.95-$99.95
Location: California, USA
5. http://www.iland.com ? iLand
Windows 2003 Servers -Setup Min/Max: ~$100 - $750 Monthly Min/Max: $240 - $850
Location: Texas, USA
6. http://www.skynetweb.com - Skynet
Windows 2003 Servers -Setup Min/Max: ~$280 - $630 Monthly Min/Max: $295 - $1,190
Location: Florida, USA
7. http://servers.catalog.com/ - Catalog.com
Windows 2003 Servers -Setup Min/Max: $0 - $0 Monthly Min/Max: $399-$1149
Location: Oklahoma, USA
8. http://www.rackspace.com - Rackspace
Windows 2003 Servers -Setup Min/Max: $250 and up Monthly Min/Max:
$220.80 p/month and up
Location: Texas, USA
Info Source: http://simplythebest.net/cgi-bin/hostdb-search.cgi?template=hostdb-detail&dbname=hostdb&key2=18&action=searchdbdisplay
9. http://www.valueweb.net ? Value Web
Windows 2003 Servers -Setup Min/Max: $99 - $99 Monthly Min/Max: $89-$175
Location: Florida, USA
10. http://www.cihost.com ? CI Host
Windows 2003 Servers -Setup Min/Max: $200-$5000 Monthly Min/Max: $199-$2599
Location: Texas, USA
11. http://globalregister.net - Global Register
Windows 2000 Advanced Servers -Setup Min/Max: $0 - $0 Monthly Min/Max: $79
Location: Pennsylvania, USA
Info Source: http://simplythebest.net/cgi-bin/hostdb-search.cgi?template=hostdb-detail&dbname=hostdb&key2=80&action=searchdbdisplay
12. http://www.dellhost.com ? Dell Hosting
Windows 2003 Servers -Setup Min/Max: $199-$899 Monthly Min/Max: $129-$1479
Location: Texas, USA
Info Source: http://simplythebest.net/cgi-bin/hostdb-search.cgi?template=hostdb-detail&dbname=hostdb&key2=36&action=searchdbdisplay
13. http://www.irides.com ? Irides
Windows 2000 Servers -Setup Min/Max: $685 - $685 Monthly Min/Max: $885 - $885
Location: Virginia, USA
14. http://www.interland.com ? Interland
Windows 2003 Servers -Setup Min/Max: $49-$1049 Monthly Min/Max: $79-$1049
Location: Georgia, USA
15. http://www.hosting.com/dedicated.jsp - Hosting
Windows 2000 Servers -Setup Min/Max: $299-$1499 Monthly Min/Max: $299 up
Location: Massachusetts, USA
Info Source: http://simplythebest.net/cgi-bin/hostdb-search.cgi?template=hostdb-detail&dbname=hostdb&key2=12&action=searchdbdisplay
16. http://www.olm.net ? OLM
Windows 2003 Servers -Setup Min/Max: $149-$249 Monthly Min/Max: $169.95 -$329.95
Location: Connecticut, USA
17. http://www.tophosts.com ? TopHosts
Windows 2003 Servers -Setup Min/Max: $0-$0 Monthly Min/Max: $99 - $99
Location: Ontario, Canada
18. http://www.serverbeach.com ? Server Beach
Windows 2000 ? 2003 Servers -Setup Min/Max: $0 - $0 Monthly Min/Max: $129 - $189
Location: Texas, USA
19. http://www.superbservers.net ? Superb Servers
Windows 2003 Servers -Setup Min/Max: $115 - $115 Monthly Min/Max: $114 - $140
Location: Vancouver, Canada
20. http://www.datapipe.com ? Data Pipe
Windows 2003 Servers -Setup Min/Max: $0 - $0 Monthly Min/Max: $179 - $995
Location: New Jersey, USA
21. http://www.hostcentric.com ? Host Centric
Windows 2003 Servers -Setup Min/Max: $49 - $49 Monthly Min/Max: $129 - $129
Location: Florida, USA
22. http://verio.com - Verio
Windows 2003 Servers -Setup Min/Max: $1270 - $16450 Monthly Min/Max: $1235 - $28450
Location: Colorado, USA
23. http://www.bocacom.net/ - Bocacom
Windows 2003 Servers -Setup Min/Max: $1-$1 Monthly Min/Max: $139-$179
Location: Florida, USA
24. http://www.atlantic.net ?Atlantic.Net
Windows 2003 Servers -Setup Min/Max: $0-$689 Monthly Min/Max: $129-$839
Location: Florida, USA
25. http://www.hostway.com ? Hostway
Windows 2003 Servers -Setup Min/Max: $150-$400 Monthly Min/Max: $249-$545
Location: Illinois, USA
26. http://www.servepath.com ? Serve Path
Windows 2003 Servers -Setup Min/Max: $0 - $0 Monthly Min/Max: $154 - $649
Location: California, USA
27. http://www.800hosting.com ? 1-800-Hosting
Windows 2000 & 2003 Servers - Setup Min/Max: $99 - $99 Monthly
Min/Max: $119 - $599
Location: Texas, USA
28. http://www.webservergiant.com ? Web Server Giant
Windows 2000 & 2003 Servers - Setup Min/Max: $200 - $300 Monthly
Min/Max: $199 - $399
Location: California, USA
29. http://www.hostmysite.com ? Host My Site
Windows 2000 & 2003 Servers - Setup Min/Max: $199 - $799 Monthly
Min/Max: $229 - $899
Location: California, USA
30. http://www.ixwebhosting.com ? IX Webhosting
Windows 2000 & 2003 Servers - Setup Min/Max: $0 - $0 Monthly
Min/Max: $64.99 - $64.99
Location: Kentucky, USA
31. http://www.accufind.com ? Accu Find
Windows 2000 & 2003 Servers - Setup Min/Max: $625- $925 Monthly
Min/Max: $99.95 - $1345
Location: Pennsylvania, USA
32. http://www.mediatemple.net ? Media Temple
Windows 2000 Servers - Setup Min/Max: $375 - $375 Monthly Min/Max: $375 - $875
Location: California, USA
33. http://www.activehost.com ? Active Host
Windows 2000 Servers - Setup Min/Max: $650 - $650 Monthly Min/Max: $650- $650
Location: New York, USA
34. http://www.hostdepartment.com ? Host Department
Windows 2000 Servers - Setup Min/Max: $0 - $249 Monthly Min/Max: $199- $2689
Location: Florida, USA
35. http://shop.securewebs.com ? Secure Webs
Windows 2003 Servers - Setup Min/Max: $295 - $495 Monthly Min/Max: $199- $499
Location: Washington, USA
36. Dedicated Servers UK
Windows 2003 Servers - Setup Min/Max: £0 ? £350 Monthly Min/Max: £199 - £4000
Location: London, UK
37. http://www.maximumasp.com ? Maximum ASP
Windows 2003 Servers - Setup Min/Max: $0 - $0 Monthly Min/Max: $159- $269
Location: Kentucky, USA
38. http://www.nexpoint.net ? Next Point
Windows 2000 & 2003 Servers - Setup Min/Max: $199- $299 Monthly
Min/Max: $199 - $299
Location: Virginia, USA
39. http://www.windows-servers.net/ - Windows Dedicated Servers
Windows 2003 Servers - Setup Min/Max: £0 - £50 Monthly Min/Max: £65- £130
Location: British Isles, UK
40. http://www.best-machine.com ? Best Machine
Windows 2000 Servers - Setup Min/Max: $0 - $0 Monthly Min/Max: $119.5 - $199.50
Location: California, USA
41. http://webstream.net ? Web Stream
Windows 2000 Servers - Setup Min/Max: $595 - $595 Monthly Min/Max:
$799.95 - $199.50
Location: Florida, USA
42. http://www.7host.com ? 7 Host
Windows 2000 Servers - Setup Min/Max: ? 180 - ? 459 Monthly Min/Max: ?
180 - ? 459 Location: Francavilla al Mare, Italy
43. http://nt10.npsis.com - NPS Internet Solutions, Inc.
Windows 2000 Servers - Setup Min/Max: $0 - $0 Monthly Min/Max: $42.99 - $72.99
Location: Utah, USA
Info Source: http://www.hostsearch.com/Companyinfo.asp?CompanyCode=215
44. http://www.vortechhosting.com/ - Vortech Hosting
Windows 2000 Servers - Setup Min/Max: $450 - $450 Monthly Min/Max: $199 - $369
Location: Florida, USA
Info Source: http://www.hostsearch.com/Companyinfo.asp?CompanyCode=2467
45. http://www.hostingkey.com/index.shtml - Hosting Key
Windows Servers - Setup Min/Max: $300 - $300 Monthly Min/Max: $180 - $320
Location: Monrovia, Liberia
Info Source: http://www.hostsearch.com/Companyinfo.asp?CompanyCode=2569
46. http://www.ezspl.com/ - Easy Space Systems
Windows Servers - Setup Min/Max: $0 - $0 Monthly Min/Max: $399 - $1899
Location: New Jersey, USA
Info Source: http://www.hostsearch.com/Companyinfo.asp?CompanyCode=4462
47. http://www.cwihosting.com/ - CWL Hosting
Windows Servers - Setup Min/Max: $298 - $348 Monthly Min/Max: $303 - $353
Location: Texas, USA
Info Source: http://www.hostsearch.com/Companyinfo.asp?CompanyCode=821
48. http://www.valvehosting.com/ - Valve Hosting
Windows Servers - Setup Min/Max: $199 - $199 Monthly Min/Max: $299 - $399
Location: Calgary, Canada
Info Source: http://www.hostsearch.com/Companyinfo.asp?CompanyCode=3325
49. http://americannetlink.com/ - American Net Link
Windows Servers - Setup Min/Max: $549 - $899 Monthly Min/Max: $349 - $1348
Location: Georgia, USA
Info Source: http://www.hostsearch.com/Companyinfo.asp?CompanyCode=4575
50. http://www.megawebserver.com ? Mega Web Server
Windows Servers - Setup Min/Max: $100 - $100 Monthly Min/Max: $125 - $300
Location: California, USA
Info Source: http://www.hostsearch.com/Companyinfo.asp?CompanyCode=5035
Searched strategy:
Windows Dedicated Servers hosting
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