Clarification of Question by
20 Jan 2004 12:16 PST
Since I haven't heard from anyone yet, and am still in need of help,
here's a clarification:
This is the website:
I'm currently working on the "publications" scene (see menu tabs at
top). As you can see, there is a menu of thumbnails along the left
side of the scene. They want to add more publications periodically so
I thought it would make sense to make the menu itself scroll. I used
the same symbols in building the scroller, and renamed the instances,
but I think I'm having some trouble with targeting and pathing. I
would like to get the menu to scroll, but if you think there is
another way to make this scene scalable, please let me know. I tried
building a "second page" but it didn't carry over the general
navigation - as there are lots of interactive modules associated with
this project.
The following fla files are in in my ftp folder.
press_alt.fla is the original scene before any updates (the
"publications" tab on the website).
press_scrollmenu.fla has the scrollbar I added in a clip containing
the updated menu, but the bar doesn't work right.
userID: weinappl
pass: whtroses