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Q: Convert equations to program ( Answered 5 out of 5 stars,   3 Comments )
Subject: Convert equations to program
Category: Computers
Asked by: barnaclau-ga
List Price: $45.00
Posted: 16 Jan 2004 08:58 PST
Expires: 15 Feb 2004 08:58 PST
Question ID: 297126

I am trying to do a simulation, based on these three articles:

My problem is that I don?t understand the equations involved. So what
I need is a translation of the equations in these three articles, so
that I can implement them to programming.

Especially the ones that are mentioned under the header ?The Dynamics
Algorithm? in article number two, where a step by step example with a
simple rectangle could be implemented.

This link shows what you can work with to translate the equations:

Note: I am not asking you to do the program, only the equations.

Thank you very much for your time,

Request for Question Clarification by maniac-ga on 17 Jan 2004 13:57 PST
Hello Barnaciau,

You pose an interesting question but I would like to make sure I am on
the right track before answering it.

[1] Are you implementing a "main loop" similar to that described in
the third paper, last page? If not, what will you be using instead?

[2] You mention using a rectangle. Are there any simplifications that
you may want to take (similar to those described in the paper) such as
ignoring rotational forces / motion of the rectangle or to change the
shape into a circle (which is a symmetric object and simplifies the
collision arithmetic)?

What I propose as an answer is to walk through the papers in order,
relating the equations listed in each paper to the steps in the loop
structure in the third paper (unless your loop is different). I will
try to keep the syntax the same as used in Flash (based on the
documentation which the link is a part of). Is this acceptable for an


Clarification of Question by barnaclau-ga on 17 Jan 2004 17:24 PST
Hello Maniac,

Thank you very much for the help you are providing me with!

[1]Yes I am trying to implement a loop like the one in the third paper.

[2]The result I want to have in the end does mainly include the
rotational forces of the shape, which is why I would like the example
to include a rectangle.

What you are proposing is absolutely fine with me, and I would greatly
appreciate if you could explain the steps for me as well.

Thank you for your time,

Clarification of Question by barnaclau-ga on 17 Jan 2004 18:00 PST
After rereading my clarification, I noticed that on point two, I
forgot to mention that it is also the traslation and friction involved
that I want to evaluate, apart from the rotation.

Thank you,

Request for Question Clarification by maniac-ga on 18 Jan 2004 18:33 PST
Hello Barnaclau,

Just a status update - I have the linear and angular motion, as well
as forces and accelerations in pretty good form. If that is all you
want, I can provide that "right now" (or at least as soon as I see
your clarification).

The collision part is a little more complicated and I need to spend
some more time to confirm the arithmetic before I can complete that
part. If you need this as well, I will try to complete it on Monday.

Please let me know if you want the answer with or without the
collision formulas so I can adjust my work as appropriate.


Clarification of Question by barnaclau-ga on 19 Jan 2004 01:44 PST

I am very glad to hear how much you have done!

I would appreciate if you could do the collision reaction equations,
that are included in the third paper.

I am sorry if my response is a bit late, I just got up (we might be on
different time zones).

Thank you,
Subject: Re: Convert equations to program
Answered By: maniac-ga on 19 Jan 2004 19:19 PST
Rated:5 out of 5 stars
Hello Barnaclau,

Based on the clarification, I will outline the material based on the
structure of the loop. Each of the key formulas will be represented in
a form that should go into Flash without any problems [you may have to
change sin to Math.sin; I'm not sure]. I have also pointed out a few
places where approximations are used that should be invisible to the
user viewing the Flash animation.

Set Up Initial Conditions:

For all cases, the object has mass M, and rotational inertia I.

For a 1D example, I will use
  X - position along the X axis
  XS - speed along the X axis
  XA - acceleration along the X axis
For this and all subsequent items, this refers to the "Center of
Mass", for a rectangle, the center of it. The velocity V is equal to
XS with the same magnitude.

Going to two dimensions, add Y, YS, and YA to refer to the position,
speed, and acceleration along the Y axis. The velocity V then refers
to the pair of values (XS,YS) with VM magnitude sqrt(XS*XS+YS*YS).
Going to three dimensions, add Z, ZS, and ZA to refer to the position,
speed, and acceleration along the Z axis. The velocity V then refers
to the three values (XS,YS,ZS) with VM magnitude

From the second paper, the author refers to upper / lower case omega
as the rotation (relative to the axes) and rotational motion and alpha
as the rotational acceleration. I will use:
  R - rotation relative to the axes
  RV - rotational (or angular) velocity (in cycles per second)
  RA - rotational acceleration
In the 2D case, a single value is sufficient. In the 3D case, you
would have a rotational value around each axis (roll, pitch, yaw).

I will refer to ML as the linear momentum and MR as the rotational
momentum. Note that linear momentum is along the path taken by the
object and rotational is around the center of mass.

I will also refer to T as the current time and DT as the delta time.
If there is more than one object being referred to, I will add a
number to the end of the name; as an alternative in your code, use one
or more Array objects to store the values.

You may use longer names (e.g, XPOS, XSPEED) if you find it necessary
to keep the names unique in your application.

While Simulating Loop:

Use any appropriate condition (e.g., user action) to exit the loop and
stop motion of the object(s).

Compute Delta Time:

From the explanation of the third paper, he suggests a method to
determine the time of collision and adjust the delta time
appropriately. I suggest using a small, fixed DT value instead due to
relative errors in integration and because I expect the result will be
displayed (and not analyzed in detail).

Since you are using Flash, and I expect you to updating a display,
choose a nominal DT value (or make it adjustable by the user). For
comparison, a flight simulator might use DT=1/30 seconds (or 30 Hz) to
match with a visual system. Depending on the desktop PC performance,
you may need to update more slowly.

Calculate All Forces and Moments:

For friction, the force is generally proportional to the velocity of
the object. In 1D, this can be calculated as:

  F = - KL * XS * DT

where KL refers to the drag coefficient for linear motion, XS is the
speed (1D velocity), and DT is the delta time.

Note - this, along with a number of other formulas represented in the
paper (and this answer) is an approximation. As a test, I computed one
second of drag with DT=1, 0.1, and 0.01, for that equation with K=.1,
initial XS=10 and have results (sum of F up to T=1 second):
  DT=1     -- 1.00000000
  DT=0.1   -- 0.95617925
  DT=0.01  -- 0.95207853
You have less error from the "exact" value as DT decreases. A small
percentage error like these should not be visible to the viewer.

For 2D, you have 
  F = - K * VM * DT
which is "the same" as above, but affects XS and YS proportional to
the magnitude in each axis. [can be a single value here, and is split
in the next section]

Note - you can also compute friction for rotation (torque) in a
similar manner. In that case
  F = -KR * RV * DT
where KR is the drag coefficient (for rotational motion).

Another force you may want to consider is gravity. Basically,
  F = M * G * DT
where M is the mass of the object and G is the acceleration of
gravity. Note that G only operates on a single axis.

Add to these forces, any additional forces that are in your
system. For example, if you simulate a rocket, it would have thrust
(force) along the axis of the motor(s) and those would then be
computed as well. If you have a "guidance system", that would activate
thrusters to add torque to the calculations.

The linear momentum ML, is calculated by
  ML = M * V
where M is the mass of the object and V the velocity.

The rotational moementum MR, is calculated by
  MR = I * RV
where I is the rotational inertia and RV is the rotational velocity.

Yes - these are really that simple. You can certainly get a lot more
complicated, for example varying K by the orientation of the object,
but let's keep it simple for now.

Compute Linear and Angular Accelerations:

We know both the linear forces and the mass. We know the rotational
forces and inertia. With these we can compute both the linear and
rotational accelerations.

Knowing F = M * A, we get
  A = F / M

In the 1D case, this is a single calculation. In the 2D case, the
force is a vector with two components, affecting X and Y. Working
through the friction example,
  F = - K * VM * DT
is the magnitude of the friction, along V, made up of (XS,
YS). I will split that force into the X and Y components as:
  FX = -K * VM / ( M * XS )
  FY = -K * VM / ( M * YS )
Yes - if you have the angles, you can use cosine to calculate the X
part and sine to calculate the Y part, but this is a lot simpler.

In a simular matter, rotational acceleration due to friction can be
computed as
  RA = F / I
and the same kind of formulas are used to compute the portion in each

For both the linear and rotational accelerations, you can add them
(add the X, Y, and Z components) to get the resulting accelerations.

Integrate Accelerations and Velocities:

For linear motion along each axis, you use
  XA = XA + sum of linear force accelerations * DT
  XS = XS + XA * DT
to compute the new values of acceleration and speed along that
axis. Don't forget to compute the new velocity magnitude and momentum
values (for the next cycle).

For angular motion along each axis, you use
  RA = RA + sum of rotational force accelerations * DT
  RV = RV + RA * DT
to compute the new values of rotational acceleration and
velocity. Again, update the new velocity magnitude and momentum


The paper suggests subdividing the time difference (DT) if two objects
collide to get the "right" time. To keep it simple, I would recommend
just using the relative position of the two centers of mass at the new
time to compute the results of the collision. The reason for this is
the person can't see the difference between this solution and a more
complicated scheme if DT is relatively small.

First, we have to compute the relative velocities. Basically
  V12 = V1 - V2
which is a single value for the 1D case and
  XV12 = X1 - X2
  YV12 = Y1 - Y2
for the 2D case. Note that if object 1 is moving and object 2 is
fixed, this is simply the velocity of object 1.

Second, we have to compute the "normal vector" N. N is the line
perpendicular to the surface being hit.
If the object is hitting a flat, level surface, N will point up
(positive Y in 2D). 
For a pair of circles hitting, N is the vector between the two centers
of mass.
For the 2D rectangle example, N will vary by rotation (R) of the
rectangle and depend on which surface is hit. For example, rotate the
rectangle 45 degrees so it looks something like <> and the vector will
be one of:
  N = (cos(R), sin(R)) - right, up facing surface
  N = (-cos(R), -sin(R)) - left, down facing surface
  N = (sin(R), -cos(R)) - right, down facing surface
  N = (-sin(R), cos(R)) - left, up facing surface
for NX and NY, the X and Y parts of the normal vector N
respectively. You use similar values for the perpendicular vectors
used in the rotational calculations below.

The impulse is computed with that nasty equation which I will try to
simplify a couple different ways. For object 1 hitting a flat, level
surface object 2:
  J = (-(1+E)*Y1) / ( 1 / M1)
  J = -(1+E)*Y1*M1
Note that Y1 is negative, so J is positive and since N is up, the
impulse is up (does not affect X velocity). The new velocity will be
  V1 = V1 + (J / M1)
  XS1 is unchanged
  YS1 = -YS1
[trust me - if you do the math, that is the result] This is the
expected result, the object hitting the flat surface will bounce up.

Ignoring rotation, the equation for J uses a dot product which for the
2D case is simply X1*X2 + Y1*Y2. So J is just a single value, in 2D
computed as:
  J = (-(1+E)*(XV12*NX+YV12*NY)) / (NX*NX+NY*NY)*((1/M1)+(1/M2))

So, the more general solution, ignoring rotation, the new velocities
  V1 = V1 + (J / M1) * N
  V2 = V2 - (J / M2) * N
Note that V1, V2, and N are all vectors (in 2D, two values each).

Taking rotation into account requires a change in J to be:
  J = (-(1+E)*(XV12*NX+YV12*NY)) / ((NX*NX+NY*NY)*((1/M1)+(1/M2))
where XR1PP is the X part of vector perpendicular to the rotation of
object 1, YR1PP is the Y part of that same vector. XR2PP and YR2PP are
the similar values for object 2. I1 and I2 are the inertia for objects
1 and 2. Yech. I am not quite sure this is completely correct - it
does not seem to take into account the rotational momentum, but this
is what the paper says is correct (expanded into variables).

For the complete solution, the new velocities are:
  V1 = V1 + (J / M1) * N
  V2 = V2 - (J / M2) * N
(these are two values for X and Y as computed above)
  RV1 = RV1 + ((XR1PP*J*XN+YR1PP*J*YN)/I1)
  RV2 = RV2 - ((XR1PP*J*XN+YR1PP*J*YN)/I1)

Update Position and Velocities:

The position update is straight forward:
  X = X + XV*DT
  Y = Y + YV*DT
  R = R + RV*DT
The velocities should already be updated (from previous steps) but may
be required in the original loop due to the step adjustments.

Draw the Objects:

Use the Flash routines to draw the objects in the new positions.

Wrap Up:

That should cover all major aspects of the simulation of motion for a
single or group of objects taking into account motion, rotation, and
friction. I described some cases in 1D as well as some other
simplifications and provided the additional formulas needed for 2D,
and by similar means the 3D solution.

After reading this over again, I may have jumped to some of the
results without sufficient explanation. If some part of this answer is
unclear to you, don't hesitate to make a clarification request. I
would be glad to expand on the answer as needed.


Request for Answer Clarification by barnaclau-ga on 20 Jan 2004 06:40 PST
Thank you Maniac!!!

If you don't mind, I'll go through this great answer until tomorrow,
so that I can make sure I have understood everything.

I'll post any questions and rate this great answer tomorrow.

Thank you,

Clarification of Answer by maniac-ga on 20 Jan 2004 17:39 PST
Hello Claudia,

Glad to be of service. Let me know if you have any further questions on this.

Request for Answer Clarification by barnaclau-ga on 21 Jan 2004 10:00 PST
Hello Maniac,

Your answer has really been a great read!

There are a few things I would like ask you though:

1 ? Under the header ?Compute Linear and Angular Accelerations?, you wrote:

We know both the linear forces and the mass. We know the rotational
forces and inertia. With these we can compute both the linear and
rotational accelerations.

Knowing F = M * A, we get
  A = F / M

In the 1D case, this is a single calculation. In the 2D case, the
force is a vector with two components, affecting X and Y. Working
through the friction example,

  F = - K * VM * DT

is the magnitude of the friction, along V, made up of (XS,
YS). I will split that force into the X and Y components as:

  FX = -K * VM / ( M * XS )
  FY = -K * VM / ( M * YS )

Unfortunately I am not sure I understood this as much as I should.
Especially the last equation:

  FX = -K * VM / ( M * XS )
  FY = -K * VM / ( M * YS )

2 ? Under the header ?Collisions?, you refer to a variable E in the
equations, but I am not sure what it stands for. Maybe I just missed
it somewhere in the text.

Maybe these are obvious things I just skipped when trying to
understand the whole thing.

Thank you for your help Maniac,

Clarification of Answer by maniac-ga on 21 Jan 2004 10:17 PST
Hello Claudia,

On splitting the friction, I seem to have made a mistake. These should read
  XA = -K * VM / ( M * XS )
  YA = -K * VM / ( M * YS )
to refer to the X and Y parts of the linear acceleration on the
object. Those are then used later to compute the new speed values.

The value E (described in the third paper) refers to the elasticity of
the object. A "superball" (ideal rebound) has E=1, a sticky lump (does
not bounce) has E=0. I scratched my head on why it was (1+E) in the
equation and finally figured out that it was basically needed to
cancel the incoming velocity and then compute the (possibly less)
outgoing velocity.


Request for Answer Clarification by barnaclau-ga on 21 Jan 2004 14:44 PST
Now I get it!!!

Thanks Maniac, you have done a great job with this article of
information you wrote, and I am very sure that many others will be
able to use this answer as a means to help them with their 2D Rigid
Body simulations.

Thank you again,

Clarification of Answer by maniac-ga on 22 Jan 2004 09:57 PST
Hello Claudia,

Glad to be of service and thank you for your kind words. Good luck
with your work on this type of simulation.

barnaclau-ga rated this answer:5 out of 5 stars and gave an additional tip of: $10.00
Great answer! Good explanations followed with the examples.

Subject: Sample Programs
From: ulu-ga on 16 Jan 2004 10:03 PST
Are the C++ examples helpful for your flash version?
Subject: Re: Convert equations to program
From: barnaclau-ga on 16 Jan 2004 11:41 PST
Thank you for your comment, Ulu.

I had a look at that but I couldn't figure out the equations based on the C++ code.

Maybe someone could use the C++ code to figure out what I am asking for.

Thank you,
Subject: Re: Convert equations to program
From: hedgie-ga on 18 Jan 2004 23:18 PST
Hi Claudia
  You may want to look at two old GA questions

and,by the way, you can surely find a better textbook then these
three articles.

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