The procedure for starting a political action committee in Florida
(for purposes of contributing to local, county and state issues and
candidates) is covered in:
Division of Elections - 2004 Handbook for Committees
(This document is in PDF format, so the Adobe Acrobat Reader is
required. If you don't have that, visit:
http://www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html )
Basically, as explained in the 2004 Handbook for Committees, the
forms that you need to complete are:
Statement of Organization for Political Committee
Appointment of Campaign Treasurer and Designation of Campaign
Depository for Political Committees
As explained on page 15 of the 2004 Handbook for Committees mentioned
above, where you would file the forms depends on whether you political
committee is supporting statewide candidates/issues, countywide
candidates/issues or municipal level candidates/issues.
All documents available from:
Division of Elections - Florida Department of State
Now, keep in mind, that if your PAC is going to contribute to
candidates for federal office (i.e., congressional & presidential
candidates), you're going to need to register with the Federal
Elections Commission.
Please download the Federal Campaign Guide for Nonconnected Committees
and the BCRA Supplement for complete instructions:
As detailed in the guide, the basic way to get started is to register
with the FEC by filing FEC Form #1 ("Statement of Organization"). Form
and instructions may be downloaded from this page:
FEC Form 1: Statement of Organization filed by candidates, parties and PACs
Form 1 Instructions (revised 2/2003)
Various steps of the registration process include: designating a
treasurer, opening bank accounts, and naming your committee. Once your
committee is established, it will have to comply with all the
requirements set out in the guide.
The FEC has a toll free number for more information: 1-800-424-9530
This web site has a qood summary of the procedure for starting a
federally registered PAC:
Asian Americans: FAQ on Political Action Committees (PACs):
search strategy:
browsed Division of Elections - Florida Department of State web site;
browsed Federal Elections Commission web site
I hope this helps. If anything is unclear, please let me know via the
"request clarification" feature. Thanks. |