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Japanese or Ancient Greek Word
Category: Reference, Education and News Asked by: will_127-ga List Price: $15.00 |
23 Jan 2004 03:51 PST
Expires: 22 Feb 2004 03:51 PST Question ID: 299249 |
I am looking for a word which I will for now call ?x?. I need it to be in a foreign language, ideally Japanese, Ancient Greek or Latin though I will consider others. I wish to use ?x? in a business sense. Eg ?The ?x? of our company is that we manufacture shoes that are so comfortable that people will choose to walk more?. In the context of this example ?x? is a founding belief, but I would like the foreign word to encapsulate more than that. It needs to include purpose ? in that ?x? is a driving force and intention. Also, when religious people talk of their faith, it is something that outsiders can potentially join in with and share. With my example you can see that it is possible to ?buy in? to the company?s ?x?, in the sense that you might agree with their notion and end up actively taking part. I would like ?x? to incorporate this. I have set the price at $15 because I need a word or list of words that really satisfies the above criteria. I wish that the answerer really understands the concept that I am looking for. If you require any further clarification please do not hesitate to get in touch. |
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Re: Japanese or Ancient Greek Word
Answered By: hailstorm-ga on 23 Jan 2004 05:01 PST Rated: ![]() |
Konnichiwa, will_127! I've been studying Japanese for about a dozen years now, living and working in Japan for most of that time, so I feel I have the experience to give you an idea to work with from the Japanese language. The best word that comes to mind is "shimei" (pronounced SHE-may) The Japanese characters for the word can be seen here: http://www.csse.monash.edu.au/cgi-bin/cgiwrap/jwb/j-e/S=48/jap/%bb%c8%cc%bf The word "shimei" in the business context conjures the image of "our mission", "our purpose", or "our message" Many Japanese companies with a passionate message use the phrase "heisha no shimei", or "our company's mission" in their advertising material. This phrase shows up on the websites for Daiei Marine, AC Nielsen, Nikkei, Headstrong, and many other companies. In addition, the more general phrase "wareware no shimei", or "our mission" shows up on tens of thousands of sites, from goodwill organizations, to hospitals, to churches, to cooperative farming and other such clubs. "shimei" is a noun that conveys the highest level of commitment, and is used by Olympic athletes to justify the years of training they subject themselves, and by the Japanese government to justify sending the Self Defense Forces to Iraq. It is made up of two characters "shi", meaning "to use", and "mei", meaning "fate", "destiny", or "life". Put together, it can be thought to mean "the use for our life", or "the reason for our existance". I cannot be sure that there isn't some ancient, obscure Japanese word that might have a stronger meaning, but if you want a powerful word that demonstrates your company's passionate commitment to its craft that will resonate with any Japanese businessman, and that any Japanese above junior-school age would quickly recognize, then I believe that "shimei" is the word that best fits your need. Sources cited: "heisha no shimei" on the web: ://www.google.co.jp/search?hl=ja&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&q=%E5%BC%8A%E7%A4%BE%E3%81%AE%E4%BD%BF%E5%91%BD&btnG=Google+%E6%A4%9C%E7%B4%A2&lr= "wareware no shimei" on the web: ://www.google.co.jp/search?hl=ja&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&q=%E6%88%91%E3%80%85%E3%81%AE%E4%BD%BF%E5%91%BD&lr= Japanese<->English Dictionary: http://www.csse.monash.edu.au/cgi-bin/cgiwrap/jwb/j-e/sjis/dict?sDict=on |
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Re: Japanese or Ancient Greek Word
From: hlabadie-ga on 23 Jan 2004 05:39 PST |
In such contexts the word "ethos" is generally invoked. http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/cgi-bin/ptext?doc=Perseus%3Atext%3A1999.04.0057%3Aentry%3D%2330811 hlabadie-ga |
Re: Japanese or Ancient Greek Word
From: pinkfreud-ga on 23 Jan 2004 09:19 PST |
The Latin word "anima" (literally meaning "soul") can be used to describe the primal driving force of a person or entity, the true inner self. The great psychiatrist Carl Jung helped to popularize this use of the word. |
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