Thanks for an interesting quest!
The first thing that sprang to mind when I read your question was
MacLeish's "Ars Poetica." Close, but no cigar, as they say. Next I
went on a keyphrase hunt, and I struck gold with this search string:
Google Web Search: "word" + "clean as bone"
"The written word
should be clean as bone,
clear as light,
firm as stone.
Two words are not
as good as one.
Robert Sward/English Division, Cabrillo College
Several websites have reproduced the poem, but not a one of them gives
the poem a title, and all of them list the author as "Anon" (This
would be that prolific poet Anon Y. Mous, who has written many
volumes' worth of poetry, and never collects any royalties.)
Thanks so much for the offer of dinner in Santa Barbara! I have not
visited that beautiful town since 1971. It may be another thirty years
before I make my way back there, but when I do, I may take you up on
that dinner. It will be easy for you to find me: I'll be the
red-haired old lady standing in the middle of State Street looking
hungry. ;-)
Best wishes,
pinkfreud |