Translation German to English
Category: Miscellaneous Asked by: leander1-ga List Price: $12.00 |
26 Jan 2004 05:10 PST
Expires: 25 Feb 2004 05:10 PST Question ID: 300248 |
Please can you help me with this translation? I amstuck on the technical expressions! Beim Gegengeschäft sind wir aus mehrwertsteuerrechtlichen Gründen gezwungen, Ihnen oben aufgeführte Leistungen in Rechnung zu stellen. Das Gegengeschäft stellen wir Ihnen mit einem fiktiven Wert von CHF 1'000.? plus MwSt. in Rechnung. Im Gegenzug senden Sie uns eine Rechnung in der Höhe des gleichen Brutto-Betrages inkl. MwSt. in Schweizer Franken. Jede Faktur ist innerhalb ihres Zahlungstermins zu begleichen. Ausnahme bildet das Gegengeschäft bei Publikationen ausländischer Verlage: hier werden die Rechnungen gegenseitig ausgebucht. Zwingend ist, derselbe Brutto-Betrag inklusive dem jeweiligen MwSt.-Satz zu fakturieren (CHF 1'076.?) und die Rechnung mit «bargeldloses Gegengeschäft» zu vermerken |
Re: Translation German to English
Answered By: politicalguru-ga on 26 Jan 2004 05:52 PST Rated: |
Dear Leander, In barter deals we are forced, because of VAT (Value Added Tax) laws, to invoice you for the abovementioned accomplished services. We invoice you in the barter for a fictive value of 1,000 SF (Swiss-Franc), plus VAT. As a counter-move, send us a bill for the same gross amount incl. VAT in SF. Each invoice should be equal to the other by the dates of their payment. An exception will be made in cases of publications from a foreign publisher: in this case, the bills will be mutually written off. It is compulsary to invoice the same gross amount including the relevant VAT record (1,076 SF) and to note on the bill that it is "cashless barter" («bargeldloses Gegengeschäft»). I hope that helps. Although I didn't do much traditional "research" here, it will be helpful to mention two online dictionaries: Marketing Wörterbuch <http://medialine.focus.de/PM1D/PM1DB/PM1DBK/pm1dbk.htm> (Marketing Dictionary) Eng <--> German Dictionary, University of Chemnitz <http://dict.tu-chemnitz.de/> Please contact me if you need any further clarification on this answer before you tip/rate it. Good luck in your business! |
rated this answer:
Super answer - thank you very much! One tiny, nit-picking point: you spelled "compulsory" wrong! By the way, I was much amused by your quotation of the MultiTranse version |
Re: Translation German to English
From: nautico-ga on 26 Jan 2004 06:41 PST |
I thought I'd see how a program called MultiTranse would cope with this translation. You can see by the following result that such translation programs have a way to go before they can be counted on! With the gegengeschaeft we are forced for value added tax-legal reasons to place to you achievements specified above in calculation. The gegengeschaeft we place to you with a fictitious value of CHF 1'000.? plus VAT in calculation. In response you send us a calculation in the height of the same gross amount inclusive VAT in Swiss Franconia. Each faktur is to be settled within its date of payment. Exception forms the gegengeschaeft with publications of foreign publishing houses: here the calculations are mutually written off. Compelling, is the same gross amount including the respective VAT set to invoice (CHF 1'076.?) to note and the calculation with "gegengeschaeft by transfer" |
Re: Translation German to English
From: politicalguru-ga on 26 Jan 2004 07:47 PST |
Dear Leander, Thank you for the ratings, and apologies for the spelling mistake - my spell checker somehow missed it! |
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