Articles about conjoined twins in Arabic and European language newspapers.
Category: Reference, Education and News > Current Events Asked by: santabarbara-ga List Price: $65.00 |
26 Jan 2004 11:28 PST
Expires: 25 Feb 2004 11:28 PST Question ID: 300404 |
I am looking for url links or PDF files of the October 2003 stories about the Egyptian conjoined twins who were separeted by surgery in a Dallas hospital. I am specifically looking for coverage from Arabic and European press. I need to be able to see what the articles actually looked like, Arabic characters etc. I am particularly interested in Egyptian sources. For Europe, I need the BBC, French media and a sampling of other languages, Italian, Spanish, German, etc. The purpose is to see articles in as many languages as possible. The surgery to separate the twins were done in Dallas at the Children's Medical Center in October 2003. |
Re: Articles about conjoined twins in Arabic and European language newspapers.
Answered By: politicalguru-ga on 27 Jan 2004 10:03 PST Rated: |
Dear Santa Barbara, Egyptian and Arabic New Resources ========================== ????? ????? ?? ????? ???? ?????? ?????? ??????? ??????? ?? ?????? Al Watan <http://www.al-watan.com/data/20031012/index.asp?content=current#8> ????? ????? ?? ????? ???? ?????? ?????? ??????? ??????? ?? ?????? Al Watan <http://www.al-watan.com/data/20031012/index.asp?content=current#12 > ???? ???? ?????? ??????? ??? ????? ?? ??? http://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/arabic/news/newsid_1701000/1701462.stm ??? ????? ????????? ???? ?????? ?????? ??????? ?????? ?? ????? http://www.alriyadh.com.sa/Contents/12-10-2003/Mainpage/MIS_4412.php ???????? ???? ?????? ?????? ???? ????? ?? ????? http://news.masrawy.com/masrawynews/12102003/168484news.htm ???? ????? ??? ???????? ???????? ?? ????? http://www.aljazeera.net/health/2003/10/10-12-2.htm ????? ??? ?????? ?????? ?? ????? http://www.aljazeera.net/health/2003/10/10-13-1.htm ??????? ???? ???????? ???????? ??? ???????? ???????? http://www.aljazeera.net/health/2003/10/10-17-2.htm [I have problem with the title ? it pastes from left to right?: ?????? ?????? ??????? ?????? ????? ?????? http://arabic.cnn.com/2003/scitech/10/25/twins.egyptian/index.html ??? ??? ?????? ?????? ?????? ????? ???? ??????? ?? ????? ??? ?????? ??? ????? ?????? ????????? ???? 35 ???? ??? ?? ???? ???????. http://www.almedan.net/article.php?articleid=441 BBC === US surgeons part twins http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/middle_east/3182792.stm Photo Gallery http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/in_depth/photo_gallery/3183550.stm French Media ========== Premičre nuit dans des lits séparés - Les frčres siamois égyptiens se portent bien AFP Édition du mardi 14 octobre 2003 http://www.ledevoir.com/2003/10/14/38218.html Des siamois séparés http://www.lanouvellerepublique.fr/journal/archive/2003/10/13/rubrique.html?idUneSelect=179 Deux frčres siamois, liés par le crâne, ont été opérés avec succčs Article publié le 14 Octobre 2003 Taille de article : 123 mots http://www.lemonde.fr/web/recherche_breve/1,13-0,37-822817,0.html?query=siamois&query2=&booleen=et&num_page=1&auteur=&dans=dansarticle&periode=365&ordre=pertinence&G_NBARCHIVES=806936&nbpages=2&artparpage=10&nb_art=16 La séparation des siamois a réussi http://www.leparisien.com/home/search/article.html?ID=0&index=2&docid=0310134464074.xml@LPA&titre='%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20La%20séparation%20des%20siamois%20a%20réussi' (subscription base) Dallas : deux siamois en cours de séparation http://archquo.nouvelobs.com/cgi/articles?ad=etranger/20031012.OBS7919.html&datebase=20031012 Les siamois égyptiens séparés - 13 octobre 2003 http://www.liberation.fr/archives/ Italian ===== Dallas, prima notte da soli per i due «siamesi» egiziani http://www.larena.it/storico/20031014/nazionale/Dab.htm Siamesi egiziani sotto i ferri da piů di 30 ore http://www.unionesarda.it/UNIONE/2003/NZ1310/ESTE/FAT01/A21.html Siamesi:si vedono per prima volta http://it.news.yahoo.com/031025/2/2i1ig.html Spanish ===== Los siameses egipcios logran mirarse de frente por primera vez http://www.elmundo.es/elmundo/2003/10/25/ciencia/1067101541.html Separados con éxito los siameses egipcios intervenidos en EEUU http://www.elmundo.es/elmundosalud/2003/10/13/medicina/1066041161.html Separados con éxito los siameses egipcios intervenidos en EEUU http://www.elmundo.es/elmundo/2003/10/12/ciencia/1065981542.html And other related articles : http://ariadna.elmundo.es/buscador/archivo.html?q=http%3a%2f%2fwww.elmundo.es%2felmundo%2f2003%2f10%2f25%2fciencia%2f1067101541.html&t=3&w=30 Uno de los siameses egipcios separados en el quirófano sale del coma y evoluciona bien http://servicios.hoy.es/pg031017/actualidad/mundo/200310/17/RC_siameses.html German ===== Zustand getrennter siamesischer Zwillinge stabil http://www.netzeitung.de/wissenschaft/257837.html Zwilling atmet selbstständig http://stern.de/id/wissenschaft/mensch/514571.html Getrennte Zwillinge in gutem Zustand http://www.bbv-net.de/public/article/wissenschaft/medizin/24695 Norwegian ====== Vellykket tvilling-separasjon http://www.dagsavisen.no/utenriks/apor/2003/10/758076.shtml Siamesisk tvilling pĺ bena http://www.vg.no/pub/vgart.hbs?artid=203062 Dutch ==== Gescheiden Siamese tweeling kijkt elkaar in ogen http://www.planet.nl/planet/show/id=67777/contentid=412316/sc=30f16a Egyptische tweeling in VS gescheiden http://www.rtl.nl/(/actueel/rtlnieuws/dossiers/dossier_paginas/jaaroverzicht_2002/)/components/actueel/rtlnieuws/2003/10_oktober/12/buitenland/1012_Siamese_tweeling_gescheiden_2000.xml Hungarian ====== Jobban vannak a Texasban szétválasztott sziámi ikrek http://www.radio.hu/index.php?cikk_id=59159 Sikeresen szétválasztották az egyiptomi sziámi ikerpárt http://www.uno.hu/news/story/90005/ and more at : http://www.uno.hu/music/artists/1568/news/ I hope this answered your question. Sarch strategy: to search for the relevant terms (twins, dallas, siamese/conjoined twins). In some cases, I also read news from October, and in the Arabic and Egyptian cases, I went through all of the online newspaper archives, except for Al Hayat, which was down for me. Please contact me if you need any further clarifications on this answer before you tip/rate it. |
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